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Hello, I have the same problem. I sent the deregistration certificate as requested but still the subscription in not cancelled.


Admin: afgesplitst en eigen topic voor je aangemaakt

Hi @Ahmed91, welcome! How unfortunate to hear that it's still not cancelled! Did you receive any type of confirmation from us? I would advise you to call us (0800-0402 or +31612001200 from abroad). My colleagues will look into it!

I tried to call +31612001200 but I cannot understand any Dutch, I reported that I am moving out of the Netherlands in the online form but I got no reply and then I got a new invoice. I sent few days ago another email to opzeggen email and didn’t get a response yet. Can you please help?

Hi @Ahmed91, I see that my colleagues processed your e-mail yesterday! The subscription will be cancelled and you will get your money back. That may take some time, because of the amount. But everything should be fine now!