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Dear KPN Team

I am most frustrated as I have tried many times to resolve my internet cancellation and payment situation, to no avail. 

In May 2023 I have notice to KPN as we were vacating the apartment at the end of May. My agreement with KPN is 12 months, the last day being 25 July 2023. KPN accepted our cancellation but could not waiver the last 2 months of internet fees (35 Euros in June and 35 Euros in July). We have paid 11 months from July 2022 to June 2023 (385 Euros excluding pro rata and activation). We have also contacted KPN telephonically to discuss the enclosed.

On 27 June 2023 we received, via email, an invoice highlighting a credit of 29.35 Euros therefore my understanding of the final payment is 4.65 Euros. I communicated all this via email together with the proof of payments as well as the credit invoice - have had no reply.

Today we received an email to pay 40.65 Euros. I don't owe 40.65 euros.

Kindly can someone help me resolve this urgently.

Thank you very much for your consideration


Hi @Codi de Faria! Welcome to the KPN forum. I would like to help you resolve this issue. I would first also like to say that the forum is not the fastest platform to use for communication. To speak to someone in a hurry, from abroad, please call +316 1200 1200. 

To help you resolve this from the forum I need to be able to find you in our systems. Would you please fill out your profile and let me know here if you wish to have this situation resolved through the forum? 

Hi @Codi de Faria! Welcome to the KPN forum. I would like to help you resolve this issue. I would first also like to say that the forum is not the fastest platform to use for communication. To speak to someone in a hurry, from abroad, please call +316 1200 1200. 

To help you resolve this from the forum I need to be able to find you in our systems. Would you please fill out your profile and let me know here if you wish to have this situation resolved through the forum? 

Hi Bram

I have done the above. Please help me urgently as I want to get this resolved

Yes I dont mind where it gets resolved. I just need it resolved

Hi @Codi de Faria! I've checked everything. And the remaining amount is not an error. You cancelled your contract within the 12 months. So you cancelled it early. Because of this 2 months of invoices have been added. These is the normal remainder of your contract. 

After this we have made a final invoice where you received the amount you paid in advance back. 

You were paying 35 euro a month. Because you cancelled 2 months early, the fine was 70 euro. This made the second to last invoice 105 euro. You received 30 euro back on the final invoice. To correct the month you paid in advance. 

I`m afraid I must ask you to pay the amount due. 

Here is a list of all the payments we have made:

  • 26 July 2022 → 25 August 2022 = €61,17 (Paid on 1 August 2022)
  • 26 August 2022 → 25 September 2022 = €35 (Paid on 31 August 2022)
  • 26 September 2022 → 25 October 2022 = €35 (Paid on 30 September 2022)
  • 26 October 2022 → 25 November 2022 = €35 (Paid on 31 October 2022)
  • 26 November 2022 → 25 December 2022 = €35 (Paid on 30 November 2022)
  • 26 December 2022 → 25 January 2023 = €35 (Paid on 30 December 2022)
  • 26 January 2023 → 25 February 2023 = €35 (Paid on 31 January 2023)
  • 26 February 2023 → 25 March 2023 = €35 (Paid on 2 March 2023)
  • 26 March 2023 → 25 April 2023 = €35 (Paid on 31 March 2023)
  • 26 April 2023 → 25 May 2023 = €35 (Paid on 3 May 2023)
  • 26 May 2023 → 25 June 2023 = €35 (Paid on 1 June 2023)
  • 26 June 2023 → 25 July2023 = €35 (Paid on 1 September 2023) * Paid this now 

On 26 May 2023 we received the invoice of €105 and ever since then we have been trying to resolve this. We tried via email and I also phoned and the lady that I spoke to agreed that I only had to pay €35 for June and €35 for July and not €105. Then on 26 June 2023 KPN gave us a credit of only €29,35 which we immediately raised with KPN as we were unsure of what this credit was for as the amount should of been €35. Ever since then we have once again been trying to resolve this, to no avail. Hence why we went on the Forum. Thank you very much for replying to us so promptly and I would like to confirm that we have paid €35 today for July as full and final settlement of the 12 month contract. The difference of €5,65 is not for our account. Thank you very much for your service. I await a favorable response.

Kindest regards


@Codi de Faria your contract was for 12 months. You had a discount for those 12 months. Totalling 35 euro per month. There's also a 25 euro starting fee. 

You have had 9 invoices for 35 euro. You've had a starting invoice for 61,17. Due to the 25 euro starting fee and the first month including a couple extra days. You have had an invoice after cancellation for 105 euro. Due to the two months you quit early. And a final invoice for -29,35 euro. You received an amount back because you paid other invoices in advance. 

You were expected to pay 12 times 35 plus 25 starting fee. Totalling 445 euro. 

You've paid 9 times 35 euro, plus 61,17 euro, plus 105 euro, minus 29,35 euro. Totalling 451,82 euro. The difference of 6 euro is for the extra two days at the beginning of your contract. You've been asked to pay exactly what you've agreed with us. 

Again, I must unfortunately ask you to pay the invoice. All calculations are correct. 

Hi @Bram_ 

I still do not agree.

As stated in my previous messages, I have paid for my full 12 month contract (12 x 35 = 420) + 25 euro starting fee (420 + 25 = 445) + pro rate (445 + 1,17 = 446,17) which confirms the total payment of 446,17 Euros.

As you stated in your message:

You were expected to pay 12 times 35 plus 25 starting fee. Totalling 445 euro. 

It has been paid


Please help me understand here as I can clearly see, that I have paid from the 26 May 2022 to 25 June 2022

but then only get a refund from 31 May 2022 to 25 June 2022.

Here is the 6 Euro difference … This is an administration error


And we can clearly see in the screenshot below that I have already paid for those few days in the beginning of my contract.


Therefore I reaffirm that all is paid and nothing is due to KPN.
Thank you

@Codi de Faria this matter has been run by 2 colleagues from the complaints departement, myself and another colleague from my team for verification. We've all come to the same conclusion seperately.

I can't give you another answer I`m afraid. 

Good day KPN Team
It is with great sadness and frustration, that I am still receiving emails of this nature (please see below).
We have explained over many emails and telephonic conversations as well as in the forum that we DO NOT owe any further payment to KPN.
Please note as this is the final time that we are explaining:
The contract was for 12 months:  25 July 2022 to 25 July 2023
35 Euro per month = 420 Euros = paid
Initiation of contract:  25 July 2022 =  61.17 Euros  =  paid
Pro Rata of contract:  25 July = 1.17 Euros as per invoice provided July 2022 = paid
We contacted KPN early May 2023 that we would be discontinuing the contract as we were moving to take care of my very ill mom, we still honored the last 2 months payment (June and July) even though we left the apartment on the 27 May 2023.
Subsequently, we keep receiving incorrect invoices which we keep justifying.
The shortfall as per the email below of 5,65 according to your staff, is pro-rata, which we have paid, when pro-rata was applicable last year July. 
To tell us a year later that the pro-rata of last year is now a different amount, is unacceptable. There is no pro-rata now.
Furthermore, we are NOT liable for any collection costs, as this is not a payment that is due by us.  Please rectify your records.
Thanking you in advance but this is the final correspondence on this matter.
Have a good day
Goretti de Faria