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I was overcharged on my invoice and it is literally impossible to get support on this. The chatbot is useless, there is no support email address, and the phone option is all in Dutch (which as an expat I don’t speak) so doesn’t route anywhere, just hangs up.

Incredibly poor service offering for a national provider. How does one get support from an actual human through KPN?

Hello @Justtryingtogetsomeservice  and welcome on the KPN forum! 

I understand it is very frustrating if you don't get heard!
When you call us, there is a question why you are calling us and after that there is a ‘beep’. When you say you want to talk to someone you will be connected to one of my colleagues. 

You can check the details of the invoice in MijnKPN. If it isn't clear why the invoice is higher than normal, I like to check this with you. Can you then please fill in your profile and send a reply in this topic? Then I'll get back to you. 

@Liesbeth_ I was travelling in Greece and while physically in Greece it seems that I was connected to an Albanian network resulting in me being overcharged >40 euros in September.

It is clear to me what happened, but I cannot be charged for something that is not at all within my control. Please could you either refund on provide a credit to my future invoice.

Thank you. 

Hi, thank you for the explanation. When you make a connection with a network not in the EU and you use your connection for calling, texting or data you make costs. I don’t have the option to refund those costs. To prevent to make a connection with a network that you don’t want, you best choose in the settings of your phone for a manually connection instead of automatic. This way you can control with what network you connect and you can prevent extra costs. 

@Liesbeth_ I hope you realise that’s an entirely unsatisfactory answer. To be clear, I was in an EU country and clearly something out of the ordinary happened with my connection. Is that fair to charge the customer for this? Do you not give any benefit of the doubt in these cases? If a mistake is made by someone other than me should I just be expected to pay for it? Please refund ASAP, thanks.

I understand that my answer isn’t the answer you are hoping for. However, I do not have the option to refund cost you made abroad. When you are traveling there is a chance that you connect with a network that isn’t free or isn’t valid within your bundle, even if you don’t actually access that country. To prevent this, the best thing you can do is to adjust the settings to manually.

This is a recurring topic for many years now.

Maybe KPN should warn for this specific issue, but after so many years it might be public knowledge.

I understand the importance of information. You can find information on our website Buitenland (abroad) and on the KPN Forum


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