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Er kunnen geen online aankopen gefactureerd worden aan de KPN factuur, als KPN Pay niet ingesteld is.


This is a very big lie or you don’t have an idea about your system has been hacked.


I’ve never ever enabled KPN Pay on my android phone yet I’ve received a message from esr tv about subscription. When I check with my phone number I can see the subscription there. When I check my kpn bill it says 

  • Online aankopen
  • 0 Extra dienst(en) € 10,00

As a company you can’t eve tell what I’ve subscribed, you count it as zero but you charge your users €10,00. 

If you charge money from people, you have to show the prove that they have subscribed. That has been like that for all the companies other wise companies would charge you and show no proof, does it really make sense to you?

If KPN provides a payment service with the bill, it should be opt-in. You have to get your customers consent to enable it not set it enabled as default and expect your customers to deal with these issues.

I’ve lost my trust in your company. I think about moving all my services to somewhere else.

*Admin: afgesplitst en een eigen topic aangemaakt


I agree all, you're right. 

It's a big shame. 


Greeting, Christiaan 


I agree all, you're right. 

It's a big shame. 


Greeting, Christiaan 


I’ve seen may messages on the forum, even under this topic people say “I didn’t enable KPN payment on my mobile app” but they are still charged on the bill. But KPN claims it’s not possible.

In this case we all lie here but KPN is right. I don’t want to believe that we’re all delusional.

I got in touch with ESR TV, ask them about how they charged if I didn’t set up kpn pay on my play store and answer is the below. The important part is 


As mention on our previous reply, the subscription was not made from the playstore app. 


KPN is lying to their customers, there is a workaround in their system or they are hacked. Companies can purchase subscription via KPN pay even not enabled in the play store.


If you ( or your kids, old people, anyone not sure about what they are doing ) miss click a few pages, you could be subscribed via KPN pay.



Hi @umutcelik and @Chris35. KPN Pay is active by default. To disable this you can contact our customer service on 0800-0402. To get a refund for the ESRTV service you can contact them. As you've done. You can use the form on their website for this:

Hi @hopeness and @Chris35. KPN Pay is active by default. To disable this you can contact our customer service on 0800-0402. To get a refund for the ESRTV service you can contact them. As you've done. You can use the form on their website for this:


Dear Thomas,

Everyone with average iq can understand that the issue in here is not about KPN pay is active by default ( It’s another issue, it should be opt-in not default )

The issue here is KPN says



No online purchases can be billed to the KPN invoice, if KPN Pay is not set up.


and ESR TV explains they didn’t purchase subscription via play store. You’re lying to your customers and now changing the subject. I’m not sure you can fool people like that.




Furthermore, when using an Android Phone, read below:

Tijd voor de Kpn en medewerkers om eerlijk te zijn, openheid van zaken te geven en oprechte excuses aan te bieden. 


Mvg  Christiaan 


First KPN said “What ESR TV doing is legal” and now warning people about billing fraud apps.

Please decide about that. Is ESR TV doing legal or is it a fraud? If it’s legal tell people the truth about how the process works.

The subscription is not purchased via android play store, this is ESR TV’s statement on the mail. If it’s a fraud, as an gsm operator which provides payment service you have to keep your payment system safe. You enable it as default on all your customers and now warning people about it could be hacked.

This is getting weird every day.


The user you're quoting is a forum user just like yourself. I'm going to quote a colleague from another topic about this. I hope this clarifies it somewhat.


Rot om te lezen dat er extra kosten op je factuur staan zonder dat je ervan wist. Ik ken de dienst zelf niet (het is geen KPN dienst), dus ik ben op onderzoek uit gegaan. Het is een betaalde (internet)dienst waar op de een of andere manier toestemming voor is gegeven. Hierdoor zijn deze kosten op je factuur gekomen. Ik kwam in dit topic een handige uitleg van @Noordzee  tegen. Verder lees je in onze Kennisbank ook meer over dit soort betaalde diensten. Je kunt ze via PayInfo bekijken en beheren.

Hallo ​​​​​​ ,

KPN kan niets doen om alles helemaal te voorkomen. De manier waarop ESR te werk gaat ligt binnen de regels van de wet. Wel heb ik meer informatie om te helpen herhaling te voorkomen.

  • Dit topic over ESR TV legt uit wat je bij KPN kan doen om dit soort kosten te voorkomen. 
  • Dit RTL Nieuws artikel over kosten op je telefoonrekening geeft heel goed weer wat jullie ervaren. Ook staan er tips en ervaringen van anderen in. 
  • Dit antwoord van een andere klant helpt je bij het afmelden van de dienst zelf als die al besteld is: 

ANoorlander schreef:

Na nader onderzoek bleek dat ik het lopende abonnement zelf kon uitzetten via Dit stond in een door mij reeds verwijderde sms (van ESR TV). Anders blijft het namelijk gewoon doorlopen en wordt er elke maand geld afgeschreven. Ik heb bevestiging hiervan gevraagd (en een terugbetaalverzoek) via het e-mailadres van ESR TV. Dan rest voor nu alleen nog mijn verzoek om betalen via telefoonrekening van KPN uit te zetten, zodat mij dit niet nogmaals overkomt. Dank.



I’m sorry I quote from @Dicksooo and referred him as a KPN admin.


If we go back the main topic, the message you quote  says


De manier waarop ESR te werk gaat ligt binnen de regels van de wet

Now could you explain us, how ESR works legal purchasing subscription from KPN Pay without using apple play? 

In this topic, we have been told disabling KPN Pay from play store and obviously it’s not working.



I'm sorry if I misunderstand you but what is important is you disable KPN Pay from your KPN subscription (by calling us on 0800-0402) and not from the app store on your phone.

I have no information on how this works from their end, I'm not even sure if this is a KPN Pay purchase or Payinfo purchase.

I'm sorry if I misunderstand you but what is important is you disable KPN Pay from your KPN subscription (by calling us on 0800-0402) and not from the app store on your phone.

I have no information on how this works from their end, I'm not even sure if this is a KPN Pay purchase or Payinfo purchase.

Hi Thomas,

What important to me is, my gsm operator doesn’t enabled a payment system without my consent and can explain honestly how it’s working which you’re not even sure.


As I quoted a few times, KPN admins in this forum declared ESR TV subscribes people via google app store. Now your are saying not from the app store on the help line. Also consistency is important for me. 

I’ve already disabled KPN pay ( which is enabled default without my consent ) via 0800-0402.

Please post this information to the other posts which your moderators told people to disable KPN Pay from apple play store.

I've done some digging @umutcelik.
ESRTV is not a service that uses KPN Pay but Payinfo. More information on both these services are in these articles: 

In the original topic where you posted this question we're talking about Sora Stream which is a KPN Pay service. That's why my colleague made you your own topic.

I hope this answers your question

On your previous message you told 

I'm sorry if I misunderstand you but what is important is you disable KPN Pay from your KPN subscription (by calling us on 0800-0402) and not from the app store on your phone.


If ESR TV is not using KPN Pay, disabling it from the phone going to prevent that kind of incident happen again or not?

I just want to know, what should I do not to pay anything except my bill?

@umutcelik you can manage and block these subcriptions/services on

Disabling KPN Pay has no influence on this. These payment methods work independently.

If this is important to you it might also be advisable to block paid phone numbers such as 09**,  18* numbers and/or international calls. 
You can block these things by phone on 0800-0402

If you block all of the above there shouldn't be any of these added charges on your monthly bill.

When I check everything was disabled over there and ESR TV subscription was no displayed. I found out ESR TV subscription and unsubscribed from

If you mind and read the reply I got from ESR TV, it’s not related with 09**, 18* phone number.


I’m not so sure you have an idea about what is going on. ESR TV explained in their mail ( it’s clear please read it before giving advices based on assumptions ) if you click a banner from your phone browser they subscribe you. It’s not a phone call nor 09** number neither . If they can do that, that means they can have your phone number to start subscription when you click and they get phone number most likely from mijn kpn mobiel application. Most likely your company is somehow hacked. Please ask help from security department and declare your customer what they really need to do.

You come up with a different advice everyday.

Hi, @umutcelik To be clear I have no inside information about this transaction or any similar transactions. From our end I have no information on how ESR operates.
I have asked a colleague to take a look at how this should work and she had to take the following steps to register for this service:

-Download the ESR app
-Register with e-mailadress
-fill in phone number
-Receive SMS message and click on the link.
-Press the green "betalen/pay"button
-You now receive a text message confirming you have a subscription. To cancel it you can use

I realise ESR TV is telling you something different but I have no idea what they're talking about. I'd suggest you take this up with them but you already did and got your refund.

As I said, I have no other information about these transactions.
All I can tell you is how we have two different payment methods which I've mentioned before.

I can't help you with any specifics.

Dear Thomas,


I posted the reply or ESR TV. You are still replying me without reading that email. ESR TV clearly says 


We would like to remind you that the only way to activate the service is from the user device (Samsung). The customer interacted with our promotional page and followed the activation process by clicking on the subscription and confirmation buttons.


And you come up with some assumptions about I downloaded ESR app, register email, fill phone number, receive sms and click on the link then click pay button.

Why dear Thomas, why do you ignore what people write here and made up some stories? Maybe ESR TV tells me something different from you but I’m so sure I didn’t download ESR TV and process further steps. There are many people complains about the same, not downloading any app but you still insist about some steps we didn’t do. Are we all lier?

Your company provides their customer a payment system and turn it on as default then you tell as you cannot have any information about these transactions. Could you accept that for another payment system like ideal, paypay etc? 

As I customer I’m still not convinced it’s not going to happen again. As a software engineer I’m so sure your payment system has been hacked somehow. Good luck with it.

I have been in a similar situation and the transaction information on indicates it happened through Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) from which appears to be a different system than

So far it seems to be completely unsecured and unregulated.

The steps @Thomas describes refer to, in my case no transactions show up there

The transaction shows up at, this is the SMS I suddenly received when I was in the supermarket (not using my phone):

“Je gebruikt abonnement ESR TV, kosten zijn €10,00/Maand. Ga naar Afmelden: Vragen? "

The costs were billed even though I disabled all payment services through years ago and I didn't configure KPN Pay in my Google account.

I'm waiting for a response from KPN here:


En weer een half jaar verder…. Nog steeds hetzelfde probleem.


"Rond 2014 en 2015 was deze markt echt een geldmachine voor providers", zegt Van den Heuvel. "Ze hoefden er vrij weinig aan te doen, maar kunnen toch een deel van de inkomsten houden."

Door fraude en boze klanten is de situatie wel veranderd, zegt Van Duijn. "Klanten kloppen bij de klantenservice van de provider aan. Dat afhandelen kost geld. Omdat de provider het bedrag in rekening brengt, wordt die gezien als boosdoener. Het ging van een leuke business waar we niet veel aan hoefden te doen, tot een markt waar we veel last van hadden."