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Hello, I placed an order for an iPhone with the option to cancel it monthly The full amount was successfully paid via iDeal. However, I later received an email mentioning that my order has been rejected. Could you please take a look and guide me on what to do? Thanks a lot!

Best @Ien W. 

Just a brief explanation in advance.

If you place an order on the KPN website, in your case an iPhone with a monthly mobile subscription, a credit check is always carried out.
An automated system will check your status with the BKR, Preventel and focum, to see whether you are listed negatively there.
A score is then generated, which then determines whether your order is approved or rejected by KPN.

In your case, the result is negative and you have been rejected by the system for your placed order.
The customer service staff and the KPN moderators of the forum cannot give you the reason for this.
These are not visible because of the privacy law, but also because others simply do not need to know.

The total amount of what you paid for the iPhone via iDeal will of course be refunded to your bank account with which you paid via iDeal.

There is no point in placing a new order, because you will be rejected again by the creditworthiness investigation.
You could try with another provider.

If you want a KPN moderator to take a closer look via the attached order number in their system, please fill in the largest part of your forum profile.
Please take into account a waiting period of several days before it is your turn.

@michel they can try a different provider but the credit check is done by the BKR. This is an independent company and every provider checks it with them. If BKR says no to KPN then it will also say no to all the other providers.


But the topic starter mentioned that the amount was paid in full, in that case there is no credit check to begin with. I would advise to call the KPN Customer Service and ask where it went wrong. Because personally I think it is worth a shot to place an new order with the help of an colleague.

Hi @Ik_Combineer 

It is not only the BKR that is an important part of the creditworthiness investigation, but parties such as Preventel and focum also play an important factor.
So if someone does not have a negative listing with the BKR, he can still be rejected due to a negative listing with Preventel or Focum.

It also sometimes happens that another provider is less difficult about it, and the customer is approved there.
I can think of plenty of examples of this from the past 25 years.

Of course, I completely agree with you about the story of the person asking for this topic, because that is indeed a completely different story.