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I’m having the same issue on both home and mobile subscription that was cancelled.

Do you have any email contact to reach out to so that they can stop and refund me asap?

Or if customer service can call up, I can’t call.




Hi @Carolina Valero, could you please update your forum profile with your adress, customer number(s) and 06-number? When did you want to have both subscription cancelled?


I’ve tried to update but nothing is working, I’ve also called and requested to be called back but the service keeps on calling another number (to a friend whom’s number helped me get the account in the beginning as it requires a dutch number to get a number). I keep on getting bills but I requested this to be cancelled in May. Can you share an email address as this is clearly not working.

I will send you a private message, please respond to that.

Hi Carolina, i saw your private message. Unfortunately I was on leave the past couple of weeks and I wasn't able to respond. You opened a new topic and my colleague Bram will help you!