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I received a text message on my phone on Saturday (20.08.), that I have an unpaid invoice for the month for my mobile service. Thus, on the same day, I made a bank transfer with the required amount in the name of KPN.

Unfortunately, I have not yet received any confirmation if the payment has been received by KPN, although the sum has been transferred. Furthermore, the invoice is still marked as “unpaid” when I check it in my account.

How should I proceed in this situation and what actions must I take?

Thank you in advance. 

@MSU Best you call customerservice 0800-0402 ( free of costs)

Thank you, but unfortunately I do not speak Dutch and can not understand the instructions during the call. 

Do you know if there are any other ways to come into contact with customer service?

Call the Number and do nothing en do not speak. At the end you get an live person om the phone…

Hello @MSU 


If you didn't pay by Ideal then it will take up to 5 working days for your payment to be processed.

So that it doesn't show up yet as paid is normal.

Hi @MSU! I would like to confirm that what @GeSp says is true. Payments to KPN, like with most big companies, take time to be processed. As long as you included your customer number or the specified payment number you will see an update in about 5 weekdays.

On top of that, our agents on the phone will also not be able to see the payment for at least a couple days. So calling within 2 weekdays after payment would probably be wasted time. 

Thank you for the information and for your help. 

@MSU it should have been enough time by now. Does the invoice show up as paid or is further help still needed?