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I changed my provider from Odido to KPN in december 2023.

I was informed that the cancellation of the contract with my former internet provider (Odido) would have been taken care fully by KPN and there would have not been any overlap in between the two.

Unfortunately I received for the month of December two bills, one from KPN (for the period from 7-12-2023 to 7-1-2024) and one from Odido (from 1-12-2023 to 1-1-2024). 

What is the correct procedure to get a refund on this double bill?

Thank you in advance

Hi @robnamnam 
The fastest is to call KPN on the free of charge number 0800 0402

Available on: Mon-Fri between 08:00 - 18:00, Sat. 08:00 - 17:00.

Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Hi @robnamnam, welcome to the forum. The quickest way is calling us like huistijger mentioned. That way a colleague can take a look into it, and if needed send a message to a differect department to take a further look into this.