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Hello.  We have a big problem.  First.  I have an order from you that has not arrived.  And scheduled twice.  The first time he told me that his tablet was not working.  The second time your courier didn't show up.  I have been a customer for a year.  Is this how you respect each other???  are you kidding me  Than take the money???  I will complain everywhere and I will not pay anything.  I will also announce BKR.  .  plus I ordered the internet from this address for 6 months and nothing.  You blocked me from being able to do it at another company, because I am listed at KPN with internet.  but this internet does not exist.  I tried at T mobile and couldn't.  But I pay your bills up to date.  Not?  Correct?  Some amateurs.  Please contact me.  I will contact you anyway.  Without further ado, I will finish with you.  And without paying any more.  But I take two days off from work.  For what?  for your insensitivity?  And do you want more money?


Hi Maryus, welcome on our board. 

Let start at the beginning, because it's not really clear to me what exactly happened. What did you order from us exactly? May I also know in what name the order was placed and what the customer number is? Also, what money are you talking about that we took to you? 

Please let me know.