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I moved to my new address last year April. And I receive almost every month a post form KPN with the name of the previous owner. In the beginning It was okay and I did return them to the post box in the neighborhood and I wrote Retour afzender. Vertrokken! But those mails won't stop coming and it is really annoying. This *************** is not living in my address anymore.

I hope that with this message I can get help and stop these wrong posts. 

Admin: removed previous occupant his name due to privacy concerns. 

Hi @Hassan Alfa! I can understand that it can get really annoying if you keep receiving somebody els their mail and I will gladly help you solve this issue. Could you fill out your profile and post a message here when that's been completed? 

@Hassan Alfa Did you manage to resolve the issues regarding the mail? Otherwise I will gladly assist you further if you keep receiving the mail from the previous occupant. 

Thanks for your reply,

no, the problem still exists. I can't fill the profile I'm not a client of KPN.

I can send you my address and maybe you can help please? 

If will gladly help you. Do you have any indication what type of mail this concerns? It doesn't matter if you aren't a client of KPN. If you leave your name, postal code and the number of your house in your profile I will investigate the matter. 

Thanks Remco I've updated my profile and now you can see my address. 

@Hassan Alfa Thanks! I can't detect anything unusual at first sight. I sent you a private message.  Â