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I’d like to raise a written claim about an invoice (subscription cancelled earlier). PLS write me where I can find an email address or a webpage form for doing this. 
PLS do not write me that I should send a paper letter for you, I won’t do this. I think it is very strange that you push customers to make calls only and you don’t have any English menu in call center. 

I insist on written communication. Your chat robot is unusable.

I give you some hints how other companies do:
- you could have a messaging center inside mykpn. In this way, your customers are verified and it is a safe channel for written communication.
- You could have “If you speak English, press 9” in the welcome message at call center. 


best regards


Hi, @gapinthebreath, welcome to the forum! For written communication, you've come to the right address :)


When cancelling a subscription, it comes with a cancellation term, usually a month. Now, our billing system cannot look into the future. It can only look at the current date. So, on the date it creates the new bill, it cannot know that a cancellation is due if the date is later. And since billing is done in advance, this can mean that you receive a bill charging you for a period after the cancellation date.

However, you will get this money back. After the cancellation date has passed, the billing system will create a final bill. On that it will charge you for any usage costs, and reimburse you for any subscription costs after the cancellation date. 

Hiding behind the system...

“ Now, our billing system cannot look into the future. It can only look at the current date.”

Is this a billing system of 2023: An IT problem for KPN passed over to your customers?  


How difficult is it to adapt the system and have it look into the tables that hold the termination information? Why not a termination in MyKPN with clear view for the customer?

Or is it deliberately programmed that way, as final termination date is often not known awaiting the confirmation of the new provider? Even then, costs should not be prepaid for a period that is probably not billable.



Hi Erik,

Thanks for your response. It’s nice that we can write here but this is an open forum so I doubt you would reply here on a given claim about invoice no. XXXX.
On the other hand, your wrote you cannot look into the future - There is the exact date of subscription end on the invoice.
So it will end on 4th Nov but you invoice till 24th Nov.

Anyway I don’t care. I’m happy to say goodbye.
Few weeks ago I spent about 2 hours to discover your site how to communicate with you in English in written form. I didn’t believe that it is not possible. It is.