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Hello. I would need a refund from the 1st September until December included. It’s been a nightmare. 

One month before September I announced my change of address. They promised around 30 times different people of course, that they will connect the internet soon. Firstly, I was not informed that I can get an emergency package, which I found out a week after moving. Once they send it, of course it works absolutely terrible and besides that, we have to call every time the data is over, which was almost daily; + of course waiting 20/30 min for someone to answer. I’ve said several times that I need an update because I work from home and obviously I can’t work without internet.

I’ve been promised that they will come to install the glass fiber, and after waiting and waiting and calling to all numbers possible, months later they told me that they can’t install it because the cable installation in the street was not made. (which before was confirmed the opposite by your colleagues). After months of calling they asked me why I was waiting for the glass fiber when they had no intention of connecting it any time soon and that I need to request the copper installation, and when the glass fiber will be ready, they will switch. 

So basically I lost 4 months with this nonsense because you people don’t know how to deal with customers . I was lied by your 30 different colleagues with so many excuses I can’t even mention. 

I want my full refund for the months where I did NOT have internet, and all the struggle behind it.

Hi @Roxana1996, welcome to our forum, I'll take a look at your file. 
Could you update your profile and let me know?

I've updated the profile.

Thanks for the info @Roxana1996, I've taken a look into your file and I see that the issue hasn't been resolved yet and the ticket is also still open.
We can only issue refunds after the issue has been resolved so I can't help you with that yet. I have updated the ticket with the request to investigate and contact you as I don't see any recent updates.

My colleagues will contact you about this. I'm assuming they'll also arrange the refund by the time everything's resolved

Dear Tomas,

I want to close any open issues and move forward. I want to cancel my contract with KPN and everything what is needed. Im waiting all the time for someone to "contact me" and nobody does it.

Please let me know how to proceed to have it done ASAP and get my refund


Thank you

Ah okay, I can understand that, with a cancellation the ticket will also be closed and we can also issue the refund.
To do this you can call us on 0800-0402 and ask the computer for the cancellations department. A colleague there can help you with the cancellation and also the refund.