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Hello  Team.
I returned the equipment on March 1, 2022, and it was received from the KPN return center on March 2, 2022, and I have all of the consignment numbers and receipts.
I received a letter today instructing me to return the equipment.
Could you please look into it and do the necessary, as well as refund the debited amount?
I eagerly await your positive response.
Thank you in advance.

Child Regards

Hello @Shabbar,

*This often goes wrong at KPN. So you can just throw the letter away.

(Google Translate*)

Hi @Shabbar,

I see Dennis has already told you that you can ignore the letter. It's sent automatically, and it states you can ignore if you've returned the equipment already :slight_smile:

When your subscription ends, you'll receive a last invoice that's used to refund any costs that have already been paid for the period after the day your subscription ended!

Thanks Team for your mail.

I cancelled my subscription two days after it began (during the cooling period), so there is no subscription end date in my case.

Please refund the debited amount and let me know if you require any additional information.

Kind Regards


I'll see what I can do @Shabbar :slight_smile: Can you please update your profiel and give me a heads up if you’ve done so?


Thanks @Shabbar!

I see we've published your invoice and you'll get a refund of €-32,50 for the period 21-02 to 18-03, since your subscription wasn't active any more in this period.

The other costs will not be refunded, we activated your line and the second mechanic made sure you received a proper internet speed (188Mb via wifi, with a 200Mb connection) 

Hi Team,

This isn't the case at all. We did not receive the services that your customer service representative promised. We barely used the Internet because of the slow speed and lack of signal in the area due to a cable problem, even after your Technician fixed the cable issue.

After cable fixed we received the signal 180 Mbps near modem, around 30-40 Mbps living room,  around 20 Mbps in first floor and no internet on attic area. 

We also spoke with your customer service team, who assured me that they would compensate me for the same.

When i was cancelling the subscription then asked for the bill amount he/she assured that there wont be any bill amount as we have cancelled the subscription within cooling period of 14 days and we did not get the service which was promised. 

For your convenience, I've attached a chat conversation.

Requesting you to please look into it and refund the amount. 

Kind Regards



Hi Team,

This isn't the case at all. We did not receive the services that your customer service representative promised. We barely used the Internet because of the slow speed and lack of signal in the area due to a cable problem, even after your Technician fixed the cable issue.

After cable fixed we received the signal 180 Mbps near modem, around 30-40 Mbps living room,  around 20 Mbps in first floor and no internet on attic area. 

We also spoke with your customer service team, who assured me that they would compensate me for the same.

When i was cancelling the subscription then asked for the bill amount he/she assured that there wont be any bill amount as we have cancelled the subscription within cooling period of 14 days and we did not get the service which was promised. 

For your convenience, I've attached a chat conversation.

Requesting you to please look into it and refund the amount. 

Kind Regards



I'll refund the total amount of the invoice, if we promised to give a full refund, that's what we should do! I'm sorry for the inconvenience!