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Dear Team

I am writing to follow up on my previous request for assistance regarding my internet subscription payment. As previously mentioned, I have paid for the subscription on December 26, 2022, but have yet to receive the modem required to use the service.

I have tried to contact customer service multiple times regarding this issue, and was advised to file a reclamation on your website. However, I was unable to find the process for doing so. Therefore, I am reaching out to request your assistance in filing a complaint.

I would appreciate it if you could guide me through the process of filing a reclamation on your website, or if you could file it on my behalf. I am hopeful that this issue can be resolved promptly so that I can begin using the service that I have paid for.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope to hear back from you soon.



Hi @hocine! Welcome to the forum. 

I`m sorry to hear about your situation and would like to help. 

To file a complaint, please check this website (translated with Google translate). 

You can also call 0800-0402. Do however be aware that not all of our employees are fluent in English. So keep a Dutch-speaking person nearby to be save if possible. I recommend this because our employees can also try to help resolve the issue on the spot. Which is always faster. 

Would you please let me know if this helped?