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I recently traveled to the UK and turned on to use data from my bundle there. I turned on data roaming and everything worked perfectly.

A week later I traveled to Turkey (with my data roaming still on from my previous trip) and the moment I landed, my phone connected to the local cell network and I immediately got 2 SMS:

Beste klant, u hebt 80% van uw limiet van 60,50 euro voor internet buiten de EU gebruikt. [...]

Beste klant, u hebt 100% van uw limiet van 60,50 euro voor internet buiten de EU gebruikt. [...]

A few minutes after, I got a message welcoming me to turkey:

Beste klant, u bevindt zich in Turkije. Met de Super Voordeellanden buiten EU bundel 2000 krijgt u 2000 MB, minuten of sms'jes voor EUR 29,99. [...]

This sounds very abusive to me. My factuur says I used 24 MB abroad (which is close to nothing in today’s standards) in less than a minute and got a surprise 60 euro bill for something I didn’t request? 

I want a refund and make sure my account is forbidden to use data outside my bundle.


Hallo @gabrielrc ,

Je hebt jouw instelling mobiel internet aan laten staan terwijl je buiten de EU was. Jouw abonnement is alleen geldig binnen de EU. 

Wees maar blij dat KPN de verbinding heeft afgesloten na het verbruik van 60,50 euro. Want anders waren de kosten nog veel hoger geweest. KPN gaat die kosten niet voor jou vergoeden. 

Ga je nog een keer naar een land buiten de EU? Koop dan inderdaad zo'n speciale bundel van 29,99. 

I pay for an EU bundle so my phone should only work in the EU.

60 euros is such an arbitrary number. KPN should cut my connection outside the EU at 0 euros, not 60. I had literally one minute (!) to turn off my data and it was already too late.

People do keep their roaming on because they travel within Europe. I have previously traveled to the US and Brazil and my KPN phone never worked there and I never got charged a single cent, even with roaming on. Why is Turkey special?

Why is Turkey special?

It is not Turkey that is special but it is the EU that is "special".

The EU is a bunch of countries that partially work together and partially do not.

On mobile telephony it's not different. Although your subscription is valid throughout the EU you have to turn on "roaming" in order to make use of your subscription outside of your "home-country". And that is where it goes wrong as people forget to turn off roaming when travelling outside of the EU. In the US you don't have that problem as you don't need to turn on roaming when travelling from one state to the other. That also why you will not be charged in Brazil as roaming is off.

I already plea for years to be able to use your subscription within the EU without the need to turn on roaming.

I fully understand how bundles work. My point is I never turned data roaming off due to frequent travels (within and outside the EU) and only this time KPN charged me 60 euros in literally one minute.

"people forget to turn off their roaming" - I honestly view this as an excuse to rob people.

I have found people relating similar situations in cruise ships. Or close to the Greek/Turkish border.

KPN certainly has the means to block consumption outside the EU because it does so after 24 megabytes. It should do the same at 0 megabytes. 24 megabytes in 2022 is essentially nothing, your phone uses the on the background on the blink of an eye.



I have found people relating similar situations in cruise ships. Or close to the Greek/Turkish border.

Correct, this is an issue on multiple Greek islands near the Turkish and Albanian border. On cruise ships it is even worse as there you can be connected to the nautic network that use satellite communication. 

I totally agree with you that you should not be connected to networks outside of the EU without you pro-actively accept/approve it. That is exactly what would be the case if roaming would not be necessary within the EU.

This is clearly a scam to over charge people for nothing. In my case the 60,50€ were charged for 24MB, not 24GB, 24MB. How!?!? Why not cancel the connection at 0,01€? I've been a client of KPN for four years... and this is what I get in return... how do you expect me to trust this brand, when you charge me the price of a good dinner in downtown Amsterdam for (and I repeat) 24MB of data!?!?

I understand that this is not negotiable or refundable, and to this I say: After I finish my vacation, I will cancel my contract with KPN, for two sim cards and Internet, I will change to Ziggo or Vodafone, and I will right this story on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Google, and everywhere I find that People will read it, so that people won't have to loose the money that they have worked hard for, to feed a corporation that clearly does not have the best interest of their costumers in mind.



ALSO: Please stay positive, enjoy live and keep a good mood as you read this message! 

Unfortunately you also became a victim of the missing, or at least hidden, functionality to block data usage outside of the EU.

Recently KPN has introduced the option to sms "BESCHERMING AAN" to 1266 which will block data usage outside the EU.

Unfortunately such an sms only blocks data usage outside of the EU for the current invoice period meaning you should not forget to send the sms again before your next trip outside of the EU.

I sincerely hope KPN will also introduce the sms "BESCHERMING ALTIJD AAN" in order to permanently block data usage outside of the EU.

How is this not a scam? If you can program an app and block my comments on Reddit, you should probably be able to  change the settings on this feature so that people wouldn't loose their money literally for NOTHING. I hope that you enjoy a nice dinner with my money and the money from other clients that you have stolen from.

Yes, same thing just happened to me. Don’t read what they say, it is the most basic scam. 60€ for a minute, they are literally selling air to you for the price of MONTHS of your chosen plan. I do not see KPN staff gathering any moral sense within them and refunding the people who have been scammed their money (or at least cancelling these charges), for which I am not longer a member of KPN. Worst service I have ever used. Good job KPN, very professional of you

In the most polite way possible, do not use KPN unless you are ready for them to take your last money in the least expected times. Preferred if ur a student or a pregnant mother. Bet they get off on the fact that you won’t have anything to eat tomorrow 

. @Isgandar 

For Turkey or Turkeys people who call relatives in Turkey or visit Turkey kpn is not the best partner to be with.

Vodafone has Turkey in the EU bundel because they also operate in Turkey.

Odido has Turkey in de more expensive subscriptions.

KPN can't offer that because they only operate in the Netherlands.

KPN blocks data outside the EU according to EU rules: at € 60,50 because 1 MB outside EU without extra bundle is € 2,50.

It's possible to set this protection on € 0.

KPN: via sms met de tekst bescherming aan naar 1266 sturen. Hiermee staat het op 0 totdat je het zelf wijzigt.

KPN: sms tekst message bescherming aan to 1266. From that moment on you can never get the € 60,50 any more.

KPN has 2 data only bundles for Turkey. 10 GB and 20 GB for resp. € 24,99 en € 34,99.

The amount of 60.50 looks arbitrairy, but it’s not. Its an EU regulated amount of 50.00 excluding VAT (21% percent in NL).
