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The KPN customer service is totally a joke. I had a call at Friday morning to get payment link for my old invoices (which I shouldn’t even pay, but later about it). I should have got an email within 15 minutes. After 4 hours I contacted again and I was told that it can tak 24-48 hours. I don’t have it till now. Really, how long can e-mail go? 
But let’s start with the beginning. I had 2 mobile subscriptions in 2021. I left Netherlands and put cancellation for both by website in December 2021, but you only cancelled one of them and I was still getting invoices. I sent you an email about that which was never answered.

When I was back in July 2023 and came to your shop for new subscriptions it turned out I can’t because of debts. Even your worker said it’s ridiculous and it was your mistake. I was calling customer service, found out I am in Preventel, and the only solution is to pay you off. Crazy. When my anger got lower I decided to pay, because this case makes my life harder, so I cant, the invoices are not visible in the app and sending an email with link it’s also the problem.

As I have read on forum, I’m not the only person you didn’t cancel subscription and need to pay extra. The worst company ever, won’t recommend to anyone.

Can someone at least answer???

Hi @Dariabartusz, welcome here. Sorry to hear you've been having issues. The forum is first and foremost a place where our community interacts, helping each other with questions and problems. In addition to that there's the KPN moderation team that assists. However, our involvement usually takes a day or two. So, I'm here now. But, unfortunately, I can't personally help you. I can give you information, but you need to be elsewhere to get this resolved.


There's two situations here. The first is cancellations that were never processed. And the second is the Preventel registration. 

I'll start with Preventel. There's a process that happens when a bill becomes overdue (we have an article, in Dutch, about that here). In short: at first there's a reminder, and then a second reminder with a fee. If there's still no payment after that, we block the line and inform you about that. If, after that, there's still no payment, we completely close the subscription and hand over the outstanding amount to a debt collection agency.  At that point, the outstanding amount is no longer payable to us, but to the collection agency. And, finally, we register you at the Preventel agency for non-payment. This is a safety measure for telecom providers. And it can, indeed, cause you to be refused for a new subscription by us, or other providers. A Preventel registration gets removed when all outstanding balances are paid.

To get that done, the outstanding balance needs to be paid to the collection agency that now holds your bill. 

The other thing is un-processed cancellations. There's a process for that as well. But given the amount of time that has passed, the contracts have, by now, been fully cancelled. Which only leaves the outstanding amount that, based on your description, shouldn't be there. 


Which means that, for both things, your best bet is our Collections department. They handle all things surrounding billing, and should be able to give you additional information, and possibly intervene. To reach them, call us on our regular number (0800-0402, free). Ask for collections, this should get you to a colleague with the proper skills. They can then refer you on.

If you run into problems with this due to language, the alternative is to raise a complaint. That can be done in writing, and you have the option to add an attachment. If you choose to go this route, add all relevant information about the old subscriptions. Your data, what you did and what happened surrounding the cancellation. As well as the current issue with the outstanding debt and the Preventel registration.

You now what, I've been told for over a year that you can't do anything, even though it was your employee's mistake. I just sent a money transfer, I'm waiting for approval and I don't want to waste any more time explaining and have nothing to do with you. I hope that at least this time you will post this payment correctly and quick.  
