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Dear KPN Customer Service,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction and frustration with the service I have received from KPN regarding my internet connection.

I signed up for an internet connection with KPN for a duration of one year, which was supposed to end at the conclusion of October 2023. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, my residence at the service address lasted only four months, after which I had to relocate.

Upon realizing that I needed to terminate my internet connection, I contacted KPN to cancel the service. To my dismay, I was informed that cancellation was not allowed, forcing me to continue the subscription despite no longer residing at the specified address. Consequently, I have paid KPN €54 per month for an additional eight months, amounting to a total of €432, for a service that I did not utilize.

In an attempt to rectify the situation, I took the initiative to contact KPN before the contract end date and again in October to ensure the cancellation process was in motion. On both occasions, an employee assured me that the cancellation had been processed, and I had no reason to be concerned. To my disbelief, I discovered today, December 8, 2023, that the contract was never canceled, and there is no record of my previous calls to KPN requesting cancellation.

I find this situation utterly unacceptable and cannot comprehend how such a lapse in communication and service can occur. The KPN app on my phone no longer reflects the internet service, further adding to the confusion surrounding the status of my account.

Given the circumstances, I am now faced with an additional charge for the month of December 2023, despite the assurances I received regarding the cancellation. This is an unjust and frustrating situation that has caused both financial strain and unnecessary stress.

Therefore, I kindly request the following:

  1. An immediate investigation into the discrepancy regarding the cancellation of my contract.
  2. A refund of the charges incurred from November 2022 to December 2023, totaling €432, as I should not be held responsible for a service I did not utilize.

I expect a prompt resolution to this matter. If the issue is not addressed to my satisfaction, I may be forced to escalate the matter to the relevant consumer protection authorities.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that KPN will rectify the situation promptly.

Hi @Francdore, welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear that cancellation has not been processed properly. Unfortunately, cancellations cannot be handled through the forum. So, I must ask you to call us again (0800-0402, free). Ask for the cancellation department (opzeggen). They can handle this with and for you. 

However, if there is no record of an earlier request to cancel your subscription, I cannot guarantee a refund. Or the possibility of immediate cancellation without the month's cancellation term.

Wow you guys are useless. Is this an automated response?

I will never recommend KPN to anyone I know to be honest. Because I don’t want my friends to be screwed over like you screwed me.