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hello, I wanted to ask you if you took money from me twice

I don't know, @Magdalenajaaaammmm. I can't see into your bank account :) If you are seeing multiple charges in our name in your bank account, check if they match with different bills.

For example, if we could not collect the money for a bill on the due date, we automatically try again at a later date. I that happens, the billing date can be very close to the billing date of the new invoice. Making it seem as if we took money for the same bill twice. 

So, best you can do is check all your recent bills in your MijnKPN environment or app and cross reference that with the charges in your bank account. 

If there are any charges you can't explain, or seem to be wrong, I advise you to call us at 0800-0402 (free). The colleague there can check things with you. And, if necessary, connect you with our specialised billing department.Â