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I have 1GB plan but I get 100mb upload with highspeed lam connection 

Hi @Pegan, welcome to our forum!
I'm assuming you're talking about a wired connection. These speeds are way too slow for this subscription.
Which speedtest are you using?
Have you tried giving your modem a factory reset? Can you also test it without any other devices connected and with different ethernet cables? (both between your FTU/Experiabox and your Experiabox/PC?)

If that doesn't reveal the cause or solve the issue we can also take a look at your connection from this end.
The quickest way will be by phone on 0800-0402

If you're not in a hurry I can also take a look but I'll need some information about you! could you update your profile and let me know?


@Thomas ik heb er hier gisteren een soortgelijke vraag over gesteld, misschien dat het een zelfde gevalletje is? In mijn geval een snelheidsupgrade naar 200/200.

Hi @Pegan, welcome to our forum!
I'm assuming you're talking about a wired connection. These speeds are way too slow for this subscription.
Which speedtest are you using?
Have you tried giving your modem a factory reset? Can you also test it without any other devices connected and with different ethernet cables? (both between your FTU/Experiabox and your Experiabox/PC?)

If that doesn't reveal the cause or solve the issue, we can also take a look at your connection from this end.
The quickest way will be by phone on 0800-0402

If you're not in a hurry I can also take a look but I'll need some information about you! could you update your profile and let me know?


I have a wired connection between my Wi-Fi modem and computer (can have up to 2.5GB) ethernet with nothing else plugged into the modem. I recently did a KPN speed test and i got 60mb download and 95 mb upload. i still have the 1 GB subscription 

Hi @Pegan, welcome to our forum!
I'm assuming you're talking about a wired connection. These speeds are way too slow for this subscription.
Which speedtest are you using?
Have you tried giving your modem a factory reset? Can you also test it without any other devices connected and with different ethernet cables? (both between your FTU/Experiabox and your Experiabox/PC?)

If that doesn't reveal the cause or solve the issue, we can also take a look at your connection from this end.
The quickest way will be by phone on 0800-0402

If you're not in a hurry I can also take a look but I'll need some information about you! could you update your profile and let me know?


I have a wired connection between my Wi-Fi modem and computer (can have up to 2.5GB) ethernet with nothing else plugged into the modem. I recently did a KPN speed test and i got 60mb download and 95 mb upload. i still have the 1 GB subscription 


Hi @Pegan, that was a bit of a late reply ;) 
Have you already resetted the NT (the one on the picture) by taking it of the power for at least 2 minutes? When that doesn't help first thing I would like to advice you is to call our customer service on the (free) number 0800 0402!