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I decided to move from Ziggo to KPN because we recently got fiber in the neighborhood, and KPN is faster.

i ordered the 4Gbps up/down service.  They sent me a Fritzbox 5590. I phoned them and said that it won’t work because the Fritzbox only has a 2.5Gbps port to link up with my LAN.  I then asked if I can get a KPN Box 14 (which has 10Gbps WAN and LAN ports) but they said that it isn’t ready for shipping.

So I forked out €600 to buy a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro Max.  I get close to full speed down, but I CANNOT get more than 1Gbps up. I’ve changed cables and SFPs - I cannot get more than 1Gbps UP.

I was on the phone with them for 45mins today. They confirmed that the Fritzbox can’t deliver 4Gbps. They confirmed that they can’t send a KPN BOX 14.  And lastly they said they cannot troubleshoot Uniquiti.

I understand that they can’t troubleshoot my device, but then send me a device capable of achieving the speed you are advertising and that I’m paying for!!!

I suspect it has nothing to do with hardware, but somewhere there is an upload rate limit setting on my account, limiting me to 1Gbps UP.  But of course they’re saying there is nothing wrong.

I would appreciate the community’s assistance to resolve this - or for KPN to send an engineer, with a KPN 14 box, to test my fiber.

Just to clarify.  My computer is connected via 10Gbps to my switch and from there 2.5Gbps to the Fritzbox.  As you can see I pretty much reach full download speed but upload is 50% of what I should be getting.

getting a KPN engineer on site is impossible, they simply don’t want to do it.  As soon as Odido has 4Gbps in my area I’m moving.

That really is a shame an engineer is probably the solution. 0800-0403 is the only department who can make that happen. 

@Ik_Combineer I was on the phone with them for 45mins culminating in the person on the phone saying “Sorry there is nothing we can do”.

which is why I’m switching to Odido as soon as I can.

customer service is very poor.

@Ik_Combineer I was on the phone with them for 45mins culminating in the person on the phone saying “Sorry there is nothing we can do”.

which is why I’m switching to Odido as soon as I can.

customer service is very poor.

Call again, the need to send someone.

Just to clarify.  My computer is connected via 10Gbps to my switch and from there 2.5Gbps to the Fritzbox.  As you can see I pretty much reach full download speed but upload is 50% of what I should be getting.

getting a KPN engineer on site is impossible, they simply don’t want to do it.  As soon as Odido has 4Gbps in my area I’m moving.

have you tried connecting your pc directly to the modem without the switch?

Does your pc has 10gbs network card?

Do you use minimum cat6 cable?

Do you have a strong pc 4gbs connection needs a fast pc?

this is my speedtest from oakla if i put the 10gbs switch between it i maximum have 1 gbs

without the switch i have full speed full 4fgbs

maybe moderator can plan a mechanic for you this is not the way it has to go

@BOSS1 Thanks for your response.  Yes, I have a 10Gbps card in my PC.  I tried connecting my PC directly to the 2.5Gbps Fritsbox port, and still got slow uploads. Have tried CAT6a and CAT7. Yes, my PC is a monster 😉.

@MR_CHIP I hope so. My “delivery manager” doesn’t seem to care and also after 45mins on the phone with them, they said there is nothing they can do.

I’m going to do a last set of tests tomorrow, using the Fritsbox (as this is all they will support) and then phone them again.

i truly suspect there is a rate limit configured somewhere on their network.  The reason I’m saying this is because I had a 1Gbps fiber, which has been upgraded to 4Gbps.  After the upgrade my download was also 1Gbps, but then an on-site engineer made a phone call and miraculously my download speed was fine (and my static IP changed) but my upload was still slow.

maybe moderator can plan a mechanic for you this is not the way it has to go

Sadly no.  I don't have acces to the KPN EEN (zakelijk)  database.  For support 0800 0403

Zakelijk is a different game and I can only help with the regular KPN clients.  



maybe moderator can plan a mechanic for you this is not the way it has to go

Sadly no.  I don't have acces to the KPN EEN (zakelijk)  database.  For support 0800 0403

Zakelijk is a different game and I can only help with the regular KPN clients.  



Even not send them a email / ticket for request of assistance they wont help him apparantly he already called them 

@Erwin van KPN I spent 45mins on the phone - we left the call when they said there is nothing they can do.  Today my speed is even worse. 2.5Gbps down, 600 UP. I also tried on the chat in the app, which also points me to the phone number.  All I want is for an engineer to come to my house, test the fiber with his/her own equipment.  If it reaches 3Gb up and down, then I’ll accept the fact that my equipment is crap. I’ll even pay for their time. But I need someone to come to my house and test.  I cannot spend another 45mins only for them to tell me they can’t help.  You’ll also see an order I placed with Ziggo.  Yes it is slower, put at least they deliver what they say they will.  If my KPN is not resolved this week, I am cancelling.




i used to have ziggo but im glad that i switched to kpn you pay 2 much for ziggo and your uplink stays 100mb, maybe the problem is really your modem and you must demand the kpn modem14 that should help you alot trust me i've been there at ziggo and i never want to go back to them i replaced all coax cable for cat6a cable only data for me now 🙂 don’t make the mistake to go to ZIGGO don't do it brother, also try to do the kpn speedtest with chrome you will get must better results trust me

@BOSS1 he isn’t a consumer but a KPN EEN or also known as an business account. The box 14 doesn’t exists for business accounts.


Just to keep you all updated, without any changes, I now get 3 Gbps upload using my Dream Machine Max.

What is frustrating is that KPN obviously did something, but their message all the time was that they can’t help - well clearly they could.

Just to keep you all updated, without any changes, I now get 3 Gbps upload using my Dream Machine Max.

What is frustrating is that KPN obviously did something, but their message all the time was that they can’t help - well clearly they could.

im glad everything worked out brother what is you download btw?

I have a Unify Next gen gateway pro and same KPN 4GB with new OTN (nokia) and SFP+ UTP connected to OTN

Before the last UXG firmware I had to set smart queues to 0 and 0 MpBs that resulted in a higher upload ± 2.8 GB and down 2GB (so setting smart queues to 0 instead of a value but is wat enabled)

After the last UXG firmware I disabled smart queue now i’m getting 

Now using firmware 
