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Last year, in October 2023, I contacted KPN to get mobile and fiber services. The agent assured me several times that I would have a fiber connection within a month, even though I did not have one yet. This did not happen and I still have not received an appointment.

The funny thing is that a few days ago a door-to-door agent offered me a contract with KPN and told me that I was one of the last people in the neighborhood without fiber. To be honest, it felt like a joke.

I hope the problem will be solved soon, otherwise I will cancel everything, including mobile, and switch to another provider. The level of unprofessionalism in this case is quite high. By the way, I contacted KPN to solve the problem, but I got false promises and was passed from one provider to another without real answers.

I expected KPN to be one of the best in the country, but this experience has completely changed my opinion. Switching to KPN would provide better internet and save money. So far, due to the lack of professionalism at KPN, I have spent much more this year than I intended. Since I couldn't really make the combination between mobile and fiber.

How can get fiber as soon as possible?

Welcome to the community @MarcianoM, I'm not sure I know what the situation is. It sounds like the fiber isn't install;ed in your home yet. A contractor will need to install the fiber before the connection can be established. The quickest way to contact us is by phone (0800-0402), they can see the status while they're taking with you. Via the community we're often later as you can see with my reply.
