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I couldn't remember my admin password and reset the modem back to factory settings. Unfortunately now the modem has the orange/red light that was expected for maximum 30 minutes. It is now over an hour and no change. Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance.

Dutch answers are also okay, my wife can read them!

Hi D, welcome on our board. 

Voor het gemak NL? Let me know otherwise. 

Begrijp ik het goed dat je nu helemaal geen diensten meer hebt? Welk lampje brandt er precies rood? 

Zou je ook je KPN profiel willen aanvullen met alle relevante gegevens en hier een seintje willen geven als je dit hebt gedaan? Dan kunnen wij ook meekijken. 

Thanks for the quick response! Dutch is okay, I can read it and my wife is native. But I will respond in English if you are okay with that?

The front light in the center is "red" though it actually looks more yellow.


This profile has my customer number attached.

Do you have a glassfiber connection ? Than disconnect your glassfiber module for a few minutes (power off) and connect again (power on). Try to reset your V10 box again with a hard reset at the back of the box. 

Let me know if this was the solution to bring you back on the globe okay ?

Nope, everything for me is standard hook-up. But thanks for the tip!

Try another reset till the power light is gonna be red. After that you stop immediatly with what you are doing. Give the box some time to come back.

@Dixon I've done a check of the connection and from the reads I`m getting it seems the connection is up and running again. This would obviously be great news! Could you verify this for us? 

Well, after a while I turned it on and off again (though mid-reset I was worried about doing that) I tried it once or twice more and still got the same yellow/orange light. 

I reset it remotely this morning through our KPN account and the light turned RED and reset itself within 10 minutes, but when it came back online, it had the same personal settings as before and the factory settings were not back! this is a problem for me because I am trying to forward a port but cannot remember my password to access the admin page.


Further issue, when I input my IP address (double-checked with the ipconfig in command) it sometimes brings me to the admin login page, but 90% of the time it now says the site cannot be reached.


Otherwise it works fine as before, but I have no other way to forward the port (that I know of).


Thanks to you both for trying to help!


I see you have just contacted us via phone. My colleague has sent you a new modem. You will receive a text message with more information regarding the delivery of your new modem.