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In my apartment I have a modem (obviously!) and a single wifi extender. Since the most recent modem software update, when I walk from one end of our apartment to the other end I need to toggle the wifi off and then back on for my phone and ipad to connect to the internet. The same then happens if I walk back to the end of the apartment where the modem is located. Very frustrating and I am guessing there is probably an easy solution, but I can’t find it. 

Please help!

Hi @Grdn, welcome to our forum. Which modem and Wifi extender do you have exactly? It might be an easy solution, but without knowing which hardware you have it's hard to say. Can you tell us more about it?

Keep in mind I can't see what you see, I only know what you tell me.

Hi @Jasper ,

Spoke with customer support. It has been resolved. 


I'm glad it has been resolved @Grdn! How was it resolved? Your solution can possibbly help others who are experiencing the same thing.

Factory resetting the modem. 
Oldest trick in the book!

It is an old trick, in some cases it's not the solution but in yours it was apparantly. Enjoy the restored connection!