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I had the same issue after moving. No signal at first, someone came to activate, and it worked for two days then there is a new date and I lost connection. Meanwhile, it has been twice where the technician went to the old address or didn't show up. I am still waiting for KPN to arrange someone coming.


Admin: afgesplitst en eigen topic voor je vraag aangemaakt

On Feb 29 I have reported the moving on March 22 which did not succeed since the glas light did not even turn green. On March 23 I called KPN for a solution, and the only thing they can do is to arrange the technician to come and check on March 27 and deliver an emergency box which I received also on March 27. It was super inconvenient to have no Internet for five days and that is even not the end!
From March 27, I did have Internet, but on March 29 morning, so after less than 48 hours, I lost connection again! Somehow I saw that the moving date becomes April 8 in the APP and I called KPN again but they couldn't find why. KPN top up 100 GB and send another emergency box. I was waiting for the response for the cause of the new moving date but got no contact until I called KPN again and again on April 2 and 3. There was a call from KPN on April 3 to make an appointment with the technician coming on April 4, but I didn't receive the email of confirmation. Instead, I received an email to make an appointment myself, even the address is linked to the old address which I cannot change! I have to called KPN again to confirm this and got a reply that there is already an appointment for April 4. However, no one came!

I made a complaint form and on April 8, which is the "new" moving date that I still have no Internet. KPN contacted me again and made an appointment for a technician coming on April 9. Guess what? I received the email with the old address so I have to call KPN again for the confirmation. The guy was even impatient about my doubt but just explained that since the moving is not closed, I will only see the old address. Then, actually not beyond my expectation, the technician went to the old address in the morning of April 9.

I received the call from the one who helped with the appointment, but I have to say that the problem is still not solved. Somehow I still need to wait for KPN to first fix the address and then fix the Internet. Btw, I lost connection with my KPN mobile this evening at sudden. Although it is fixed after about half an hour, it is not pleasant at all.

So the question remains, when can I have my Internet available?


Admin: topic samengevoegd met bestaand topic

I'm sorry to hear you're facing so much trouble with the activation of your connection on the new address @Freya_Tse 😕

2 days have passed and I really hope we were able to accomplish something by now. If not, I would advise you to call 0800 - 0402 again, so one of my colleagues can order another mechanic!
