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KPN still has zero support to its clients, highly unprofessional. “We have no one to answer your call” point.   100Mb/s instead of purchased 500Mb/s.  But KPN perfectly has capacity to take money from my account for their nonexistent services.   Kind of huge corona-virus-firm. Stay away.     


Admin: eigen topic voor je bericht aangemaakt

Hi @vlad15, welcome to our forum!
Thank you for your message, you should ofcourse attain the speeds you're paying for. Can you elaborate on the issue?
It's been a few days since you started this topic, has anything changed in the meantime?

You can reach our regular customer service through 0800-0402 (toll free) or through the chat on 
If you'd like I can also take a look at the connection. If you'd like that could you update your profile and let me know?

Hi Thomas

  1. talking to 08000402 is not feasible, by having 2 jobs I can not sit 1h near the phone hearing how KPN busy or hard working or anything else... so far by wasting more than an hour I  was able to connect to this number once.  The lady told - if it does not work 500Mb I am going to switch you to 100Mb subscription….   Pure arrogance of large organisation(((…  Absence of live customer support, only sending to read help on internet  was the main reason to stop with kpn in the past, than it improved and now again - all these close loops - read our website and god help you...The customer support matters are way more complex than making electrical wires operational - you can not make it fully automatic and running on the web… it is naive… you creating huge angry customer machine...nothing else
  2. It is 2020 now, 21th century. If you sell something for money - you should deliver. If you took money and don’t deliver - you are cheating your customer. Very simple. 
  3. I expect the KPN specialist arrive again and fix the speed to what it should be - 500MB, with glass cabel it should be possible. If you can not achieve this  - you should inform me officially that you can not do this.  After that i probably stop with KPN... 

Thanks for the elaboration @vlad15,I'm sorry we've been this hard to reach.
I've taken a look at your connection and everything seems from this end.
Which speedtest are you using? Could you also try the app for windows 10?
I'm assuming your computer is directly connected to our KPN Experiabox by internetcable. Could you try a different cable for this?

I havent heard from you in a while @vlad15 have you had the chance to try the speedtest app and a different cable yet?

 PING ms 4  DOWNLOAD Mbps 94.97  UPLOAD Mbps 94.75  speed test by Ookla…. cable is ok.

Speed it 5 times below what it should be...

Can you arrange prefessional monteur will come who can to do the job?

I have no idea - how should i convince 08000402 lady they need to fix it….it does not work….

If you want me to do further research for kpn, trying this and that... - it’s 280 euros/hour, there is no mistake, your web connection does not work….your own man told this… send another one….



I think your cable is patched as EOF which is 100mbit, shouldn't be to hard to patch the cable into a GOF switch.

thanks… actually its KPN cable provided with their modem…   will go to the shop and ask for high speed cabel...

Dear Daan

could you advise how i choose the lan cable without speed restriction from many of them? any special marks? Amazingly KPN monter said nothing on this option….





last news - nothing good comes from wasting next hour , getting 1gb cables etc…  time to say goodbuy to kpn with non existing customer support…  will try this tmobile offer….its even cheaper than 500mb/s nonworking kpn...


Looptijd 1 jaar 

1000 Mbit/s download en upload


2 TV's


Pakketkorting 3 mnd


Totaal maandelijks


Na 3 maanden €60,00


Hi Vladimir, A regular internet cable of Cat5e should be sufficient to reach these speeds.
These are also the cables we supplied with your initial installation. However sometimes there can be an issue with a particular cable. Could you try another cable if you have one?

We tryed the cables , called to KPN again, get the offer to solve the problem by paying extra (cool...) so in one month the contract will be stopped and we go to other supplier…


thanks for help of everybody anyway just it does not work out… should be market discipline in our complicated world.. 

I do also think you are patched to a 100 Mbit port in the local excange (PoP), which is called “EoF”. KPN should able to correct this by themselves, they have access to the local exchanges. KPN is the only operator which is allowed to go into the local exchanges of residential areas. Other operators (like T-Mobile) have not, they have to create an order to the network operator Netwerk NL.

We’ve got a KPN monteour month ago by subscribing to this 500mb/s and he change something, placed new router also… told he could not get a speed, advised to wait few days and call kpn again…  Wifi is 30mb without any cables...

It’s called the death of the customer support...if this is a policy fo KPN - fine, they should come in balance with some of the clients leaving….

  I have the smallest interest to dive in these technical aspects, i would expect if I pay - they came and makes it working….   TO have this endless loop of attempts to do a job for kpn  - i have enough, it’s nonsense…

t-mobile promiced 1000mb/s via glass - let’s they deliver, they can not - they don’t get paid…  it is 21st century..

I wish you the best with T-Mobile. The reason why I left and ordered KPN is because they have high latency and packet loss on their lines. They sell you 1 Gbit for a nice price, but do not expect more quality. They route you over German networks, so the advantage of fiber disappear….

ANy advise on provider who can deliver what he claims? would be thankful

I do not need neither 1Gb nor 500 just I do not like errogant fat firms happily taking money for nothing…

The customer support of KPN is a reason to leave by itself...with all these robots and “AI” style round loops… no-reply letters from boss of customer support ...noname phone calles… crasy...


ANy advise on provider who can deliver what he claims? would be thankful

I do not need neither 1Gb nor 500 just I do not like errogant fat firms happily taking money for nothing…

The customer support of KPN is a reason to leave by itself...with all these robots and “AI” style round loops… no-reply letters from boss of customer support ...noname phone calles… crasy...


ANY consumer lines cannot deliver what they claim. The price is too low for it.

You will need a business subscription, with a service level agreement where you pay what you get…...

soundwork thanks, noted...

<«...ANY consumer lines cannot deliver what they claim. The price is too low for it.

You will need a business subscription, with a service level agreement where you pay what you get…..>>»


Got indeed interested and measured business subscription of KPN with fixed IP i have in my company...found amazing 30MB/s /12MB/s….   again something to change when i have time...