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Dear KPN,

last couple of months i am trying to reach you over phone and online chat service but i could not get proper response from you.

On line chatting service is too pathetic and they don't respond at all and some time answered and then went back and phone service….its better not to discuss :)


At present my internet speed is 35 mbps (download) and where i paid for 100 mbps.

My facing this issues for for last 6 months and before that my internet speed was better and i used to get minimum 75 mbps (Download). 


Could you please look into this why its slow.



Welcome to the forum @skc! I`ll take a look for you. Could you update your profile with your postcode and housenumber so I can find your data in our systems? Also could you let me know how you measure the speed of your internet? Do you use a wifi connection? And what type of device do you use? Hope to hear from you.