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Yesterday your technican connected network at my place.

I would like to order 4G Buiten Gebied but I don’t see any option about it on my account.

Where I can order it and is it possible to order it to my location?

My neighbours have 4G Buiten Gebied and they live 4m away from me.


*Admin: titel aangevuld i.v.m. vindbaarheid

Hey @pitig91! Welcome here and thank you for asking your question! 

The availability of Sneller Internet Buitengebied depends on a number of factors. 

  • your downloadspeed can't be above 30 Mbit/sec on your location, at this moment and for the next 6 months. 
  • your location needs to be in a rural area (buitengebied) with enough capacity on our 4G network. 
  • there needs to be enough 4G in house coverage . 

All those points can be different in each house, which implies that sometimes Sneller Internet Buitengebied is available for you, but not for your neighbour. 

You can check the availability on our website and you can always call our customer service for ordering and more information. 

I checked the availability and the site says it’s not possible.

I also checked the availability at my friend house, site says it’s not possible and yet he has 4G Buitengebied, so why can’t I order it ?

I am paying for the contract that i signed with you and according with info on your site is that I can receive 4G Buitengebied as long as I am your customer and live outside area. That is the standard package of contract. I would like you to send this device to my place to improve the speed of my network. Then I can decide if it helps or not. If not I can give it back to you.

I checked the availability and the site says it’s not possible.

I also checked the availability at my friend house, site says it’s not possible and yet he has 4G Buitengebied, so why can’t I order it ?

Hi @pitig91 And what was given as a reason? 

As I explained in my previous message: the availability depends on a number a factors. I can't change those factors and with that I probably can't the availability on your adress. But ofcourse I'm happy to look into the reason why. Could you fill in your name, your adress, your custumer number and your mobile phone number in you kpn forum profiel? The information in your kpn forum profiel is only accessible for your self and me as a moderator.  

I filled in the fields you asked me to. I understand that I cannot reach more than 30mb/s but right now I have only 2-3mb/s. I believe I can get more thanks to 4g buitengebuid that's why I would like you to send this to my so I can try. If it won't help I'm happy to give it back to you.

Hey @pitig91 Thank you! I can see the attainable internetspeed is not good indeed and I can totally understand your request. However, Sneller Internet Buitengebied seems to be available on your adress, because of the lack of indoor 4G coverage. You don't seem to have a mobile number from us, am I right? Can I ask from which provider you have a mobile number? 

LycaMobile. I understand that You can send this device to my place right?

LycaMobile uses the network of kpn. How is your indoor connectivity, @pitig91 ? Are you able to use 4G without any problems? 

And no, I can't send you this extra device and give you a subscription for Sneller Internet Buitengebied. I can try to help you get it, that's why I'm asking about your indoor connectivity and the personal information. I might be able to send your request to another department, who wil look into the matter and contact you. 

The kpn forum is online meeting place for our customers: they help eachother out with advice about our products and services. As moderator I work for kpn: we monitor the conversations and we try to make all the information as accesible as possible. When our community is not able to help you and you can't find the answer yourself, we can also help you. But we can't respond immediately. 


I have problems with 4g connectivity on my phone, also the second person in house. 1 bar that's all I have, and only sometimes, most of the time is 0 bar. We both have new phones, Samsung galaxy so the phone is not the problem.

I also tried kpn sim card same result. I'm paying for 50mb/s and I have 2-3mb/s that's not even one tenth. With who should I speak to receive device? Should I go to one of your branches or should I call kpn?

@pitig91 I have sent out a request to an internal department, who will look into the matter. They will decide if it is possible to get Sneller Internet Buitengebied. But since the 4G-connectivity is limited in your area, I can't make any promises. They will contact you by phone, once they've finished their research. 

And I have to make an addition to your last remark: you have a subscription with the maximum speed of 50 Mb/s. The real speed your getting depends on your adress and what we can offer on that specific location. When you fill in your adress on our website, we inform you about the speed we can deliver at your adress. We also put this information in the order confirmation. 

Ok then I will wait for the phone call. Thank you for your help.

I received 4g buitengebuid, now instead 3mb/s I have 20mb/s. Not always information on your site are correct that I cannot have it and it won't help.