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I have the same problem can you help me please

*Admin: afgesplitsten een eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt

Hello @Tiziano Of course I'm gonna help you with that, but I do need more information.

Could you tell me:

  • with witch colours are the lights on your Experia Box burning.
  • have you connected your computer and / or tv with calbles or do you use a 'Draadloze Verbindingsset' ?
  • I'd like to have a look at your connection, but I need your personal information. Could you update your KPN Forum profiel with yourt full; name, your zipp code and house number and your custumer number? Of course this information is only accessible for youself and the KPN Moderators. Please let me know when you've done this.

Hello @Tiziano I haven't seen a reply from you. Is everything ok now? Do let me know if if there is something I can do.
