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Dear Madam, Sir, 



Few days ago I contacted the customer service to take an apointement with a technician. My problem was the following one :

The fibre glass connection is in the electrical cabinet on the ground floor of the building, so we have to connect the fibre box there, and we need to run an ethernet cable between the fibre glass box on the ground floor and the modem in our second floor flat.


That is not an easy installation because we need to pass the wire through walls and ceilings. So I contacted the customer service and explained clearly my problem to arrange an apointement with a technician that can do the work.


Today the technician came and told me that he can’t do the job so I have to reschedule an apointement with another technician. I am paying for a service but nothing work, and I have to take another day off for the apointement with the technician.


In this kind of situation do you provide 4G box that I can use until my problem is fixed ?

Best regards,




Could you please answer my question.

Thank you 

Hi @Axel25C, welcome on our forum. 

Would you please fill in your profile? Let me know when it's done! 

Good Morning Alex,

I fill in my profile.