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I received the Internet Packet on 2 Dec and subsequently booked for Technical assistance for installation after trying to connect myself and finding no ISRA connector at my place.

I was provided with the installation date for today 9th Dec even though my subscription  started on 7th Dec. I was disconnected by my previous Service provider on 7th Dec based on the email from KPN.

Today when I am supposed to be having the technical assistant available for installation, I receive a call saying the installer is not available and I need to call for another appointment to be made. This is ridiculous as I do not have Internet connection for past 3 days now.

Can you please help as I cannot wait any longer or should I cancel the subscription..?..


Admin: afgesplitst

Hi @Mukhan, I made you your own topic, replies under an older topic can sometimes be missed and we like to keep it a bit organised.

That said, I hope you also spoke to my colleagues on 0800-0402 about this in the meantime because that's the quickest way to reach our customer service.

When you use “Overstapservice” your old subscription should remain active until the KPN subscription is activated, which in turn should only happen when our systems register your modem being connected to our systems.
I'm not sure how any of this happened if you don't have an IS/RA point but I really recommend you give us another call if you haven't already.

Can you let us know how it all pans out?