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Hi, I'm trying to install the fiber glass box at the meter room. In the videos there should be a blue cover where I could slide in the box, but instead there's a blue socket that does not fit with the green socket on the box. How can I install the box? Thanks.

Hello @sj55 


The blue socket is something used for a previous connection with another provider, it should not be there.

You should normally be able to remove it carefully. After removing the blue socket the glasvezelkastje should fit.


If you can't remove the blue connector then call KPN customer service 0800-0402 and ask for an installation mechanic.
It's a free service if you can't install it yourself because these kind of problems, see:


Hello @sj55 


The blue socket is something used for a previous connection with another provider, it should not be there.

You should normally be able to remove it carefully. After removing the blue socket the glasvezelkastje should fit.


If you can't remove the blue connector then call KPN customer service 0800-0402 and ask for an installation mechanic.
It's a free service if you can't install it yourself because these kind of problems, see:


Thanks for your help.