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We ordered internet from KPN (and chose to connect immediately + upgrade to fiber later). Later, we received an email saying that Fiber was going to be connected to our home soon. We called and were told we would receive a call to schedule an appointment, but we didn’t hear back for a few weeks.


So we checked online at the order status (at and it says we can schedule a mechanic there -- but when we click to schedule an appointment, it tells us that we cannot schedule a mechanic at all (“Monteur plannen niet mogelijk”).


We also tried calling KPN/KPN Netwerk but they also weren’t able to schedule an appointment for us, or even give us an estimate. Is it possible to get an appointment scheduled or do we just have to keep waiting?


Thank you.

What does the postal code check on says? That page is leading for the provider KPN to give you fiber. If that page says no then KPNNetwerk isn't ready yet.

@Ik_Combineer It says it's ready for connection

Woning aansluiten
We sluiten je woning aan, wanneer je een glasvezelabonnement hebt besteld., I see the fiber connection was planned for december 2022, but the customer was not at home 3 times so they could not continue with the proces. I'm not sure why this did not have a follow up, I don't see any notes about the situation after this 🙁

@Ik_Combineer I'll send you a private message with the specific info about this order (it's all technical terms and abbreviations so not very interesting for you, hopefully you can tell me what's the best way to proceed with this!

You’ve got mail 📨📫

I've explained the situation to a different departement, and requested them to contact you about a follow up. Will you please let me know when you've heard from them?

@Maja_ Absolutely, thank you for your help!

I've explained the situation to a different departement, and requested them to contact you about a follow up. Will you please let me know when you've heard from them?


I see you've had contact yesterday and the note from my colleague states that you'll contact them again if you haven't heard from KPN Netwerk in the next 2 weeks. Let's hope it doesn't take that long!

Hi again,


We haven't received a call in the last three weeks -- today we called KPN Netwerk and they said that there were no appointments available.


Do we need to contact someone else, or how can we get an appointment scheduled?


We did not receive the first call they made to us three weeks ago (only knew from an email they sent and called back), so maybe they just have the wrong phone number?


Would appreciate further help on this, thank you!

I see they tried to contact you, so maybe we do have a wrong number I don't see a mobile phone number as your ‘contact number’ so that could be the reason 🤔 Is the mobile phone number ending with 911 correct? If so, I'll update your contact info and ask if they can call you again!

Yes that's the correct one, thank you!

Have they contacted you now

Is see the delivery date has changed to 12-12 and I hope that they've already communicated this with you and this does not come as a surprise.

Have they contacted you now

Is see the delivery date has changed to 12-12 and I hope that they've already communicated this with you and this does not come as a surprise.

Never received a phone call, so this is the first time hearing that. Does this mean that a technician will arrive on the 12th, the equipment itself, or something else?


Thanks again for your help!

I've been checking your order on a regular basis to see if they would share more info about this, but so far nothing has changed. I've made a ticket for our back office now, with the request to sort this out and let you know what the next steps are exactly. Will you please let me know if you've heard from them in the next few days?

I've been checking your order on a regular basis to see if they would share more info about this, but so far nothing has changed. I've made a ticket for our back office now, with the request to sort this out and let you know what the next steps are exactly. Will you please let me know if you've heard from them in the next few days?

We did receive a call about a week ago to set up an appointment for December 11th! So as long as that's still scheduled, I think we're good -- I'll update this after that date with the result.


Thanks for your help!

Awh that's some good news finally! I do see the date has been set to the 11th in stead of the 12th, so I think we're good 😊

Unfortunately they came today, but they looked at the wiring of the fiber cables and said they didnt have enough time to do it within our appointment slot (they were already behind or something), so we'd have to reschedule the appointment (no date was given to us, just told we'd receive a call or have to call again to reschedule)


I believe they also said they marked us as "not at home", so I hope that won't affect anything in the future

I'm sorry to hear this, you've been waiting for so long and now this happens 😕

Did you receive the phone number you have to call to reschedule? If not, I think you need ‘KPN Netwerk’ at 088 0063744. Calling yourself will hopefully be a bit quicker than waiting for them to call you. Will you let me know if you were able to reschedule?

I'm sorry to hear this, you've been waiting for so long and now this happens 😕

Did you receive the phone number you have to call to reschedule? If not, I think you need ‘KPN Netwerk’ at 088 0063744. Calling yourself will hopefully be a bit quicker than waiting for them to call you. Will you let me know if you were able to reschedule?

We just called, they said they will have to send a message to another department and they will eventually give us a call with an appointment (I asked, they have no idea when that would be, just "as soon as there's one available") which sounds like the same situation we were in previously unfortunately

Fingers crossed that it will be a bit quicker this time!

Fingers crossed that it will be a bit quicker this time!


First of all, thank you again for all of your help through these past months.


Unfortunately, we still have not heard anything back yet. We have now been waiting for half a year and our introductory offer has just ended, meaning we will start paying more for the same, limited speed. Is it possible to cancel our contract early to switch to another provider since it seems we will never get an appointment? Thank you!

Unfortunately, we still have not heard anything back yet.

That's not okay, it's been almost 2 months 🙁 Have you contacted them yourself since december 12th? If so, did they have an explanation for you?

Is it possible to cancel our contract early to switch to another provider since it seems we will never get an appointment? Thank you!

This is not possible, we can't end a contract early. I do understand you don't want to pay for 200Mb while you only receive 111Mb. We can change the subscription to 100Mb, so you will pay less. When fiber is connected, you can change it to 200Mb again! If you want this, you can call our customer service at 0800 - 0402.