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I don’t know what else to do.


Is the 3rd time that I have tried to complete a contract transfer (I moved out from the place and I don’t live there anymore, but I don’t want to cancel the subscription because my former roomates are working from home and that’ll create complications, so I just want to transfer the contract to one of them).

Every time that I raise a request, I get a response saying that the request was cancelled because there’s an “open order”- "extension or adjustment of the subscription, or the sending/installation of equipment".

I wasn't notified about any "extension or adjustment of the subscription, or the sending/installation of equipment" at all.

I’ve raised my complaint with customer service on 03/11/22, so more than 5 working days have gone through, and nobody contacted me so far.

I’ve sent an email to contractovername(at) describing the entire situation, asking to please cancel any pending order so the transfer can be completed and to please do not redirect me to the line 0800-0402 because I don’t speak Dutch and I cannot select the right options. What was their response?

  • Your contract transfer request was cancelled again (4th time)
  • There is a pending order (not providing any kind of details or letting me know how to cancel it)
  • Please call 0800-0402 for further details


So they basically ignored every single thing that I mentioned on my request, it was a reply-not-reply


Let me know how I need to proceed with this, because to be honest it's being a complete waste of time for me and is nothing but an unpleasant situation as a customer, which, to be clear, I have the feeling that I'm being retained against my will. I think that three months is more than enough to resolve any pending matter from your side, or at least, notifying me what's going on so it can be sorted out.


I don't live at that address anymore and this is creating nothing but complications for me. 


I remain attentive to your response. PLEASE DON’T REDIRECT ME TO THE 0800 as I don't speak Dutch and I cannot understand the options. 



Hi @drlemon52! I`m sorry to hear this situation has got you this stressed. I hope to be able to take away some of this.

First off, there is an open order. This is a complimentary transition from copper cable to fiber. We currently have a date to complete this order on the 15th of December. Speaking from experience it is better to let this order finish than to cancel and order it again at a later date.

I have one main question. Would it be possible for you to keep things as they are until December 15th. If so, we can complete the transition to fiber. After that time I can talk to one of the people who's denied your original request, and hopefully use the same data to complete the contract change again. 

You can cancel the transition to fiber. But again, I would not recommend it. Reason for this is the order has been through a lot of systems already. And doing the same order at a later date after cancelling has a higher than normal risk of causing a jam in one of those systems. It's only a chance. But it's a chance I'd rather prevent if at all possible.

Please let me know here if it is possible to keep the situation as it is until December 15th. Either way, I`ll help guide you in this until everything is resolved. 


Hi Bram, thank you for your reply.


If you can guarantee that everyhting will be done by Dec 15th, I can hold my contract up to that time, but that’s my limit. Please confirm it, and then I’ll hold it until that date. I’m being retained as a customer for this and it doesn’t make any sense.

Who is going to pay for my train (for the 4th time) from Amsterdam to Maastricht again if both parties need to sign the paperwork again? What if I have to go back to my country (I’m from South America)? How will the documents be signed in that case? Who is going to pay all the postage in that case?

Your system is not the best, I’d be nice if you could impprove it.


Again, I’ll hold the contract, if you can guarantee me that the pending order will be completed by Dec 15th.


I remain attentive to your response


Kind regards