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Today (22 of May) the connection initiated but I still didn't receive the connection box to initiate the WIFI.
I got an SMS this morning stating that I could start the installation, but I need connection box.
When I check the status of the package it says “Package is being packed”, which has been like that since Friday 17 of May when I ordered everything.
My order number is S5725971.
I'm expecting any news as soon as possible as I need WIFI for the work.
Also, the support service by call is in Dutch and I don't speak the language. I see the similar problem in the community. I hope you can help us out.

I'm sorry to hear there seems to have been a delay in the shipping of your modem @Tomonari, have you received it by now?

A lot of my colleagues from the support service are able toe speak English, but we are a Dutch provider therefor our phone menu and selfservice pages are in Dutch. 

I haven’t heard from you again, so I’m assuming don’t need any more assistance. If you have any other question, please let me know!

Thank you for the message, Maja, and sorry for the non-response as I have received a message about the connection box from KPN and already received the box. Although I also received the message from KPN that the wifi becomes active today, it is so far not activated… Because I am working at home today, I really need the wifi active as soon as possible so that I do not have to use my mobile data for the meetings. Please let me know when the wifi becomes activate today. Thank you.


Ah, I'm glad to hear you have received it @Tomonari!

If your connection is not working yet, it's possible they are still busy preparing your line. When you want to be sure nothing is wrong, I advise you to give us a call on our free customer service number 0800 - 0402. My colleagues will be able to do a ‘live’ troubleshoot and help you with checking the connection step by step. 

Good morning. Thank you for your reply. I called the number and the guy told me that the internet should come on 28th and therefore I should wait. The internet has not come yet. Could you please let us know what is happening? Since the original starting date (23rd May), we have been waiting for internet and using mobile internet for the meetings and everything, which we already spent more than 20 GB. Please activate the internet as quick as possible. Thank you.

I'm sorry to hear it's still not working correctly @Tomonari 😕 It does not sound like something we can fix from a distance so I advise you to call our customer service again and request a mechanic. He or she will be able to check everything at your house and/or in our infrastructure, depending on the source if the issue with your connection.  

Hopefully you'll be back online very quickly! 
