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Hi there,

According to my new contract with KPN ( thanks god 🙏 ) my devices will be delivered today but in the order confirmation, connection date is 27 October. I am living at a place where KPN fiber was previously active therefore everything will be the same as earlier. 

Would that be possible to have my connection activated earlier than 27th ?


Thank you!

Hi B. Ozbilis, welcome to our forum! My appologies for the late answer. I can imagine you like the connection activated as soon as possible. Given the date you mentioned, I assume your question is no longer relevant. Hopefully everything worked out fine!

Hi Robin,

Thank you for welcoming and your reply.

Unfortunately I am still waiting for my connection to be activated since the connection inside my house already exists, set and fixed but it needs a physical touch from outside of the house ( probably there is a `connection point` or a `hub` like something ) Now waiting for the montage appointment date to come, which is 4th of November. This gives me a bit of concern having this appointment 1 week far from now, it makes me ask this question: what if I need an immediate help in case of a connection loss? will i have to survive days without connection? also imagining this November 4th date was given as early as I called the KPN customer support last week, maybe Oct. 21st, without waiting for Oct. 27th. In short if i dialled yesterday when I see my connection is not activated I would have been given a really really later date with respect to Nov 4th. I hope this will not be the case in the future.

Customer satisfaction starts with the very first moment and simply i was expecting my connection activated yesterday, mentioning once more; living in a house where the fiber internet has previously been used. Not even mentioning being left on the KPN customer support line by a support personnel for 1 hour unattended when expecting him to pick up back and respond to me since he left saying he would consult to his colleague and would be back.

Will wait and see but this experience started a bit bitter …

Thanks for picking up my question anyhow.

Stay safe!

