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My connection date just got delayed for the 5th time, this brings the delay to OVER A MONTH, original connection date was the end of march, then the 8th april, then the 15th april, then the 18th april, now the 29th april. 

I spoke to kpn on the phone regarding what needs doing (as a new building we have the FTU already but need the fibre box installing still)

they gave me the phone number for the engineers, all the engineer side can tell me is “we will contact you before we come” but still my date keeps being delayed.

This is UNACCEPTABLE, and as somebody who works from home your incompetence is now costing me money.

If this issue is not resolved by the end of the month I will be contacting a lawyer to discuss the feasibility of suing KPN over loss of earnings.

I hope somebody here is more competent than either of the phone lines and is in a position to be able to help.



Hello @Johan Lawrence, welcome to the KPN Forum. 

What a shame to hear your connection date keeps getting delayed. I would love to take a look into why this keeps happening. Could you add your zipcode and housenumber to your profile for me? I'd be happy to help. 


Hey Hanna_, ive updated those details for you, thank you so much for looking.

Hello @Johan Lawrence

I'm sorry for the late reply, have all issues been solved so far? 

Hey Hanna, they just delayed it again, kpn network also sent me an email yesterday saying they will '’have more information on week 20'’ which is in 3 more weeks, I have just cancelled my subscription and gone with ziggo, so in that sense yes, it is all solved now.

I'm sorry to hear that but it's understandable. I wish you all the best at Ziggo!