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I’ve got a brand new Internet contract from you but like many other clients I get disconnected about once a day, with the following error being logged:

Connection has been terminated: remote station is not answering to LCP Echo requests.

Today it happened twice in two hours. Only restarting the modem helps.

Please advise how to fix that.

Hi @anotherunhappycustomer,

I'm not really sure what causes this 🤔 What does your home network look like? Do you only use a KPN modem or do you have other routers in use? And what other equipement do you have connected?

If your connection drops a few times a day, it's also possible to call our tech support via 0800 - 0402. They can measure your connection and help you with investigating the issue! 

@Maja van KPN hi, i started to notice the same issues on my network :) 

Im using a seagecom black modem with 3 x50 deco wired from a tp-link switch, it’s a bummer that i moved from Ziggo to KPN because of these issues, i’ve looked my TCP packages and it just stopped working randomly, i’ve have high quality cat6e on my home, also my network is configured in the best way possible (engineer here).

This is happening randomly on KPN for years, to work i depend on my internet to be working.. is it far to be compensated for all the time i dont have access to it?

also is there an option to get a better modem? or can I use another modem (better one)? 

Hi @networkEng,

I'm not sure I understand correctly, but you were experiencing the same issues with Ziggo before you came to KPN? I'n not a network engineer, but if you're experiencing the same thing with 2 different providers working with 2 different lines, it seems possible the issue lies within you home network. 

Do you experience the same if you -temporarily, just for testing purposes- disconnect the deco's and switch?

If you prefer, it's also possible to call our customer service via 0800 - 0402, my colleagues will be able to run a diagnostic on your line, to see if they can find any errors. 

