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My connection speed went down to 30mbit/s since yesterday.


How can I contact KPN customer service?





Can you help me too? My connection speed is dropped to 30mbit/s since this weekend.


I’m really tired of going to and explain the same story over and over again and not getting any satisfactory answer (or an answer at all)


I was told mechanic will come by this morning, but they didn’t.


It’s clearly limited to 30mbit/s on KPN side, my modem is Fritzbox 7590 and I can see the connection to DSL central modem is 110mbit, I measure my WIFI speed, it is 300mbit/s


Why is KPN limiting my connection speed to 30mbit/s?? and why am I not being informed on this?


I created a discussion on this Forum, and I also couldn’t get any answer.


Is it because I’m asking in English? 

*admin: moved to your own topic

Nevermind, I just terminated my subscription.


Mechanic came by and he told me that Fritzbox modems are not supported. I tried to explain him that I am 100% sure that the problem is related to KPN not my modem, because 3 days ago it was working perfectly.


I can get 300mbit/s WiFi signal inside house, my connection from modem to DSL box is 120 meters and I can measure 110mbit/s


But connection speed is always limited to 30mbit/s


Anyway, I am moving to a different provider. I was a customer of Telfort’s for over 5 years, never had a issue not a single day. I switched to KPN, and all of a sudden my connection speed is 30mbit/s and my modem is not supported somehow 🙂 Anyway, whatever.


Hi @aooosx Welcome here, on the KPN Forum. 

At first, let me explain a few things. The KPN Forum is online place where ourt customers meet and discuss KPN-related topics. Our guests offer help and advice to eachother. When you make new a topic moest of the time someone will respond quite soon, also when you post your message in English. As a moderator I make sure that all the information is re-useable and people are able to find all the information soon. That's why we can’t respond immediately. It's how this Forum works. 

Then, about your actual problem. You seem to have a problem with wifi? We don't limit wifi speed, so something else must be at hand. You do seem to have a steady cabled connection, as I read? The quality of your wifi signal depends on a lot of thing in you living area, so it's worthwhile looking into that. Fritzboxes are indeed not supported by our customer services, since they are not the modems we provide our customers with. But there are a lot of people here who know a thing or to about about them. And if it's specifically wifi I receommend reading this topic. The information in it will help you and you can use our online wifi manager to optimise your wifi.  

Hello Bart,


Thank you for your response.


I already canceled my 5+ years old subscription but let me describe you the problem because it has not been resolved yet.


I have a Fritzbox 7590 modem, which I bought 2 weeks ago. Until then I was using Experia v8, which was hardly getting 17mbit/s from my 100mbit/s subscription.


About three years ago, I called Telfort (my provider then), they told me that this is the maximum speed they can provide in my area. I suspected that this was the issue, but I didn’t need a lot of connection speed, so I didn’t care. I was also paying for interactive TV, but I never installed the box (and when I did, it didn’t work, but that’s another story) 


Since coronavirus, I’m watching a lot of HD videos, so I decided to fix this problem. I bought a Fritzbox, set it up, my connection speed went directly to 100mbit/s. The problem was the modem.

I was able to watch HD movies and everything and enjoy the 100mbit/s  for only 5 days or so.


After a week, on the 1st of December, my connection speed went down to 30mbit/s.


I can measure with Fritz WLAN app that inside my house the WiFi performance measures between 250-600mbit/s. Fritzbox also tells me the connection speed it gets from the DSL box it connected to. It shows 110mbit/s for download and 30mbit/s for upload.


Upload works great, it is 30mbit/s but when I try downloading something, it’s always at the limit 30mbit/s

As a tech professional myself, it’s clear to me that the problem is not related to my modem, maybe a faulty cable between the box and my modem, but I also suspect that it’s the case, I think my connection speed is being limited right now somehow?


Anyway, I tried to reach out KPN via chat, but it was not the best experience I can tell you.


When the mechanic came by finally, I told him that I suspect that it’s not my modem, I showed him the measurements I get, I also showed him that I have an Experia modem available at hand that he can try.


He only told me that I was using my own Fritzbox and they can’t help me, he maybe stood there for 5 minutes and that was it.


He could have at least connected the Experia and see if he can get the promised speed without WiFi, or do the measurement with his own tooling, I don’t know. Just help me with the problem, right? He did nothing actually.


This was really a disappointing service experience. After mechanic left, I immediately contacted you from and terminated my subscription.


Actually, I think I’m still struggling with that. I hope I don’t have to start another forum Post for that one. Because the person on chat told me that I can terminate without having to pay for the next month and I will receive confirmation on this. But I didn’t get any confirmation and I had to use the customer portal which only allow me to select 7-01-2021 as the cancellation date. I really hope KPN doesn’t ask me the payment for January.

This issue is still not resolved


KPN has charged me for the mechanic as well


I am trying to get a refund