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Dear Team,


I have been contacting the customer services for more than 2 months and the engineers keeps coming changing the stuff. Still the internet is not working and is in a bad shape. I call the customer care for the contract cancellation that the guys tell me that i have to keep a commitment of the contract by paying 12 months fees and further moving out. While i told him to keep the other part of the contract for stable connection and speed, the same was unanswered. Everytime the call is shifted from one department to another without response. 


Please can anyone let me know what is the process of the escalation of the complaint and how can i reach out to the consumer forum from the government. PLEASE HELP!!

Which Experia Box do you have?

What is the speed you measure using this speedtest on a PC that is connected through a networkcable to your Experia Box?

What does Fourstack say about the maximum speed on your address?


You can file a complaint through this page.




thanks for your response. I had already did this part and they came for changing the Modem. Later the conditions remains same. 

Unfortunately no answers to my questions.

Which Experia Box do you have?

What is the speed you measure using this speedtest on a PC that is connected through a networkcable to your Experia Box?

What does Fourstack say about the maximum speed on your address?




Experia Box v10A

Yes i used both KPN and Similar results. 

with Fourstacks, it give with Fibre i can have 524 mbits


​​​​Yes i used both KPN and Similar results. ​​​​​​

And the results are?

@Nikhil Welcome to our forum! I understand that your having allot of problems with our internet and a big history off contact with our customer service 😞 Can you edit your profile with your zip code + housnumber and the name of the contract holder? That way I can see what they already did to help you and look further for the right sollution. Can you send me a message when you are ready?

Hi @Nikhil, i haven't received a message so far! If you want me to look at your internet connection you can still edit your profile and let me know :)

hello @Jiske_ ….sorry for the late response. my contact details are already updated. 

Hi @Nikhil, I can't find anything in your profile. Can you check it again in your own settings

Hello @Jiske_ I just updated again. 

Thanks for the information @Nikhil, I can see allot of contact in the month october. I understand that your internet connection is still not working properly. I can't cancel any contracts, for that you have to call with 0800-0402. What I did to was send a message to our technicall departement, they will take another look at your connection and call you within 1-2 days. Can you let me know how that goes?

@Jiske_ Please could you answer my two questions:


  1. Why cant we cancel the contract, where KPN told me to give a speed of 200 mbps and it is not available. This is a violation of the contract. still i am getting invoiced for 2 months now. 
  2. How many attempts shall be made to make good. 

Thanks for your understanding. 

Hi @Nikhil when the problem is solved we can look at your invoices. At the forum we are not able to judge if this problem is big enough to be a violation off the contract. For that you have to call 0800-0402 and aks for the departement that is for cancellations of contracts. They can give you all the right information. In regarding to your second point, I hope this is the last attempt. Because there where so many mechanics/ contact I was able to escalate it to the right departement right away. Will you keep me posted off that progress? 



hello @Jiske_ no calls… still interrupting internet…. please could you help…. i am really tired now…..can someone help me plsss

hello @Jiske_ awaiting your response. 

Hi @Nikhil, I see that the technical service called you on 08/11 and they made an appointment for a mechanic. Hopefully the problem will finally be solved.  

hello @Jiske_  ...Good Afternoon. 

Today again i got the details that the problem is not with KPN but fibre company

Please could you tell me that now we can proceed for the closure. 

Hi @Nikhil, I was really disappointed to hear that the mechanic from today could not fix the problem. Because it's a long lasting problem I talked with the lead practitioner on the case. It became clear to me that they are working hard on your problem. They have not given up on your connection yet and are going to send the glas fiber company to your home. For that reason I am not able to help you with closing of the contract. Until they say that there is no sollution I can not help you with any cancellation. They will keep you posted and the fiber company will contact you for an appointment! 

