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Me and my landlord had initiated the process to transfer his KPN contract to my name when I moved into the the house. We have already sent all the requested documents (Kopie geldig identiteitsbewijs huidige contractant, Kopie geldig identiteitsbewijs nieuwe contractant and Het uitgeprinte contractovernameformulier, ondertekend door de huidige én de nieuwe contractant) to '’ on 22/12/2019 but there has been no response from KPN. is there anything else you need from us to complete the process?




Hi @AZR . Welcome to the forum.

Could you fill out your profile page. Please provide both your details and that of your landlord. I will look into the matter. 

Hi @Erwin_ ,


I’ve filled the profile page. I’ve entered my landlords client number in the ‘Klantnummer’ field.




I think I have good news. It looks like it's already been transfered. All the contract info is put to your name.

Have you looked in your gmail (also the spam) ? There should be a confirmation of this.

I haven’t heard back and assume the issue has been resolved

Hi @Erwin_ ,


Sorry for late reply. Yes the issues was resolved.

I did not receive any message in my inbox but i did receive my first bill already 🙂.

I can also see the contract under my name in MijnKPN.


Thanks for your help.





Good to hear! If you ever have any  other questions, feel free to ask.