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Sorry, maar ik heb de Nederlandse versie gemaakt door mijn vertaler en de Engelse versie.
Sinds 6 maanden heb ik een abonnement "Hussel Internet 50 Mbits/s" maar de werkelijke snelheid is de helft van het contract.
Dus ging ik vandaag naar het Kpn bureau in de Spuistraat in Den Haag.
De verkoper die mij ontving raadde mij aan om zowel mijn wifi als mijn installatie (Experia Box V10 A modem) te controleren die door een door Kpn gemandateerde technicus was gedaan.
De snelheidstesten die ik zojuist heb gedaan ( geven 23,3 Mbps downlink en 4,0 Mbps uplink aan.
In wifi of ethernet kabel komt de snelheid bijna altijd overeen met deze waarden en voor de laatste 6 maanden.
Blijkbaar laat de telefooninfrastructuur van mijn buurt geen snelheid van 50 Mbps toe.

Is dit normaal of mis ik iets?

Dank u voor uw antwoorden.

Vertaald met (gratis versie)


English version :
Sorry but I put the Dutch version made by my translator as well as the English version.
For 6 months I have a subscription "Hussel Internet 50 Mbits/s" but the actual speed is half of the contract.
So today I went to the Kpn agency located in the Spuistraat in The Hague.
The salesman who received me advised me to check my wifi as well as my installation (Experia Box V10 A modem) which had been done by a technician appointed by Kpn.
The speed tests that I have just done ( indicate 23.3 Mbps downhill and 4.0 Mbps uphill.
In wifi or ethernet cable, the speed almost always corresponds to these values and for the last 6 months.
Apparently the telephone infrastructure in my neighbourhood does not allow a speed of 50 Mbps.

Is this normal or is there something I didn't understand?

Thank you for your answers.

Welcome to the KPN forum @Emeraude :slight_smile:

It's possible your connection is not able to achieve 50Mb, this is normal but also a bit of a pity :slight_frown:

If you fill in your postal  code and house number on the postcode check page, under ‘Maximale internetsnelheid op jouw adres’  you'll see the current maximum capacity at your address. We're updating our network throughout the entire country, so I'm hoping your neighborhood will be updated soon! 

Good morning Madame,

Thank you for your message. It's okay, we'll get over it.

Indirectly it contributes to a much more consequent decision making.

KPN is the best.

Indirectly it contributes to a much more consequent decision making.

I'm happy to notice you're able to see the positive in a negative situation :blush:

Hi Maja_,


KPN offered me a reduction in the price of my monthly subscription but on the condition that I would test the quality of my bandwidth on a monthly basis.
The second level of KPN customer service told me that there was nothing more they could do and sent me back to reading my contract.

Roughly 50 Mb/s is the goal but there is no obligation of result.

Well yes, well known technique, make the customer feel guilty. So be it.


The last test of my shared connection ( mentions 129 Mb/s.

No, there is no error. It is just a commitment made with another service provider, in parallel with KPN and while waiting for the release date.

Finally, to each his own way of "managing" his customers.

