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I ordered KPN home internet at the March 1st, after one and a half month's waiting, still no one contact me to install the fiber optic. During this time, I called KPN at least three times (number: 088 0063744) and went to the off-line store twice. Every time the customer service told me that their colleagues responsible for installing fiber optic would contact me within a week, but every time no one contacts me! I switched from T-Mobile to KPN because the KPN guys told me that they could install the internet in three weeks. However, the reality is really disappointing!!!

Furthermore, there is another problem, I cannot see my current order on KPN, only a previous canceled one.

Me and my family need to work from home at the moment, we really need to fix this problem ASAP. Thanks.

Hello @RuiC ,

Call with 0800-0402 (customer service)