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Hi All,

Sorry for writing in English, but I cannot write in dutch.

I have joined KPN this October, I got the modem package on 9th October. I have choose to not have the technical installation because there is a wandcontactdoos with the KPN logo. 

Yesterday  I got the internet connection activated BUT my Experia Box v10A is still showing a RED light on DSL/Internet.
After some minutes the light goes to `blinking BLUEE` but then it comes back to RED.

I have spoke yesterday evening with your Online customer service and they suggested my to perform a reset.

I did it but nothing has changed.

I’m also trying to call  0800-0402 but I don’t understand dutch.

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance

Hi @DarioBenvenuti90 Welcome here on the KPN Forum. I'll manage in English, no worries. :) 

Thanks, at first, for joining KPN! Sorry to hear you new connection isn't working as it should. Ofcourse I'll check whats going on. I'm gonna need some personal information. Could you update your KPN Forum profiel with your full name, your adress and your custumer number? On your profiel-page this information is only visible for yourself and me as a KPN Moderator. Please let me know when you've done this! 

Hi@DarioBenvenuti90 Welcome here on the KPN Forum. I'll manage in English, no worries. :) 

Thanks, at first, for joining KPN! Sorry to hear you new connection isn't working as it should. Ofcourse I'll check whats going on. I'm gonna need some personal information. Could you update your KPN Forum profiel with your full name, your adress and your custumer number? On your profiel-page this information is only visible for yourself and me as a KPN Moderator. Please let me know when you've done this! 

Hi @Bart_ , thanks!

I have updated my profile, please take a look.

I’m currenlty having a KPN Chat in english to see if we can fix the issue.


Anytime, @DarioBenvenuti90 Please let me know how the chat with my collegue ended and what he or she did. If he or she already did al the necessary there would be no need for me to get involved too. 

Anytime,@DarioBenvenuti90 Please let me know how the chat with my collegue ended and what he or she did. If he or she already did al the necessary there would be no need for me to get involved too. 

Hi @Bart_ ,

Your colleague scheduled a free technical appointment.

Hey @DarioBenvenuti90 That sounds like a good plan. I hope the mechanic is able to fix the issue! Let me know how it ended and if you still need help afterwards. 

Hey@DarioBenvenuti90 That sounds like a good plan. I hope the mechanic is able to fix the issue! Let me know how it ended and if you still need help afterwards. 

Hi @Bart_ ,

The mechanic didn't show up at all. Got a sms to rebook the appointment. 


There was no letter in the mailbox and I spent all the morning at home waiting for the mechanic. 


I'm cancelling the subscription with KPN.


Thanks @Bart_ for YOUR support.


That's bad news, @DarioBenvenuti90 and I'm really sorry to hear that! You didn't receive any explanation? That's strange and not how it should be. My sincere apologies for that. Have you already cancelled your subscription? 
