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I have ordered KPN to my new apartment, and gotten a date for installation. However, I need to change the date, but I can’t do that, because I don’t have a dutch 06 number. It won’t let me put in a local dutch number, or a foreign sim-number. How do I change so that it can accept dutch 97 numbers, or even better, foreign sim numbers?




097 numbers are only for data. They are not meant for mobile telephones.

See: what are 097 numbers (ACM)

097 is for tablets, laptops, IoT.

06 is for mobile phones.

You can call kpn in the Netherlands toll free 0800-0402 via landlines en 06 numbers in the Netherlands. Otherwise use a phone from a friend. The number is toll free so you don't give them costs.


The problem is I don’t have a dutch number (nor can I get one at the moment), and I don’t know anyone that do. I want the technician to be able to contact me, but I can’t, nor can reschedule. Is there no way to use a foreign sim-number?


Thank you

You can reach KPN via +316 1200 1200 if you are outside the Netherlands (are you??). But not with a 097 number.

KPN also can't call you back on a 097 number!

I’m outside at the moment (will be there for the install though), the problem isn’t that I can’t reach you, it’s the European Union, there are no extra charges between country codes, the problem is I can’t enter a non-Dutch number so you can contact me. And using the re-schedule form.

Tja, KPN only operates in the Netherlands. You can only use a Dutch 06 number or a Dutch landline number.

This is a catch 22 situation.

You have a 097 number in a mobile phone??? That's should be a 06 by de Dutch telecom rules.

At this moment and without Dutch 06 it’s impossible to chance the appointment from abroad.

BUT have you tried calling to +3161200 1200 ?

P.S. I don't work for kpn. I'm a volunteer on the forum.

Ah, ok, I mean, I want the technician to have my number in case they need to reach me for the install (find the apartment, something happens etc). It’s just such a weird, archaic thing to not allow any phone number. I guess I’ll try calling them.

Ah, i thought you wanted to chance the appointment because you would still be abroad.

And no, they won't call 097 numbers anyhow. Those numbers are officially only for data. If you have this in a PHONE this is not correct. That should be a 06 nummer.

097 is for data, so tablets, laptops, IoT equipment.

It’s just such a weird, archaic thing to not allow any phone number.

A 097 number is NOT a PHONE number.

I have Swedish number (+46), which is what I have to keep using (too much business tied to it), seems cumbersome to get a new one JUST for kpn when it’s not needed elsewhere (I figured a 97 because you can get those virtually, and just forward them).

I mean it’s weird to not allow foreign mobile numbers.

I mean it’s weird to not allow foreign mobile numbers.

I don't share that. KPN operates only in the Netherlands. So only Dutch numbers are logical.

Maybe the moderator which comes here can ask in the organisation for change. To make other European numbers possible.

Hallå @Xeeko! Thanks for contacting us and welcome to our forum.

We do indeed favor a dutch mobile number, but we can always try and write down your own. If possible our mechanic can call you to update you about the appointment (if necessary).

Would you be so kind as to update your profile for me? That way I can dive into the situation and see what we can do about this. Let me know when you have updated it!

I was able to add my landlords phonenumber to reschedule, but I have added my own number ot my profile, thank you!

Thanks for adding the number and adress, but I don't see any KPN order. If the adress is correct, could it be you've placed an order at a service provider that uses our network? That's the next situation I can think of where one of our mechanics needs to visit the location.

No, I have an order (S2791452), placed through the site. But it’s not activated yet, not until January.

I've checked both the adress ánd the order number you gave me, but In both cases there's no KPN order.
Have you received a confirmation from us, with an overview of the services we'll be providing and installation date?

Also, is the communication you received so far from us (KPN) or KPN Netwerk?

Yes, I have confirmation, a contract, and an installation date. It’s from KPN.

Odd. Does your house number have an extension or anything? 

Yes, it’s 113 extension 4.

Ah yes, found it! Glad that's sorted.


I've added your own phonenumber to the account! 🙂

Thank you so much!

You're welcome!