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is it possible to speed up the internet line activation? I see my equipments r already arrived and mechanic appointment is set for 2 weeks ahead; i find it very frustrating to wait that long; can someone from KPN help me get installation and line activation done quickly?

*Admin: afgesplitst en een eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt
Hi there @Ulhas Thank you for taking the time to write you message on the KPN Forum. I can imagine that you don't feel to happy about waiting that long. I'm not sure if the appointment can be rescheduled, though. Quite some work needs to be done on the background, before a line can be activated. But I'm happy to have look.

Could you privide me with some details? I'm gonna need your full name, zipp code and house number and your custumer number. You can use your KPN Forum profiel to fill these in, so the data is only visible for you and me as a moderator.
hi Bart,

good to see ur response;

i have updated the details there as requested by u;

kindly check and do the needful.

if u wish u can also call me (...)

*Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy
Hello @Ulhas I just looked into the matter. I can see there is an appointment with a mechanic scheduled for coming tuesday, september 10th. You must have receiced an email and a text message about this? I'm not able to make happen any, sooner, I'm afraid. If I reschedule the appointment, it will turn out worse: you'll have to wait longer. And beside that: the line can't be activated earlier. I'll hope you'll manage until coming tuesday!
There must be a better option than waiting? Waiting can not be a solution to anything 😕
