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I have to ask this question in English, my Dutch is not very good!

We have recently moved into a a new apartment. The house used to be a single-family house, but the landlord split it into two apartments. So now only one apartment (our downstairs neighbor) has an internet connection into their apartment. We don’t have a TV or DSL connection/socket in our apartment.

If I order an internet package from KPN, will you be able to lay a connection from the street into our apartment? The landlord has already confirmed that drilling holes is no problem.

Hi @dankingdoge, welcome to our forum! English it is. :smile:  It's possible to apply for an internet connection, however this won't be free. The first thing I'd advice you to do is check whether you address is registered in the BAG register. Especially when houses are split up it's important that your house number and addition is registered here.

If that's the case, you can then ask to get an internet access point installed at Perhaps your landlord should be the one to ask for the internet access point, as he's responsible for the apartment. After all information is entered there it will show an indication of the installation fee. If he agrees, the installation process will start. I can't say how long it will take before the access point is there, but these are the steps in order to get one! 
