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In November, I downgraded my TFT Internet + TV package to TFT Internet-only package. But later on, I started having connection problems with KPN, and on December 3rd I requested a termination. Since then I switched to a different provider. I no longer use KPN services.

I asked to end my subscription via the chat (I also have screenshots of my conversation available) but this was not processed within 5 days, as it was told to me, I haven’t received an email. Then I visited the mijnKPN page and terminated my subscription manually. Within seconds I received an email of KPN’s confirmation.

During the chat I was told that it was going to be terminated in January 1st, but the only confirmation email I received from you is the termination procedure I initiated, which says it is January 7.

However, in the meanwhile, I received a retourdoos to return the TV receiver, which I sent already. But, I haven’t received another box that asks me to return the modem I have.

And, on Friday (Dec 11th)  I received another email that confirms my subscription to TFT-only package.

Now, I started to wonder if I need to send a 3rd termination request now? Is it possible that KPN switched me to a new downgraded package instead of terminating my subscription?

If this is not enough, I just received another email that asks me to pay 82 euros. 38 euros for monthly cost of TFT-only internet, and 45 euros for one time cost, for what? For doing nothing?



I would like to end my KPN subscription fully on January the 1st as it has been confirmed during the chat with the customer service. Can you please verify if this is being proceed correctly? I don’t want to pay extra cost related to downgrading as well. 





Thank you.




Onur G.

I contacted customer service via the chat, and received an email regarding the confirmation of termination by January the 1st.


Thank you

Hi aooosx.

Glad to hear. :relaxed:

This is the 3rd time I’m posting to this forum about the same issue.


Long story short: KPN has charged me for nothing (and twice the amount I normally pay). Even though I was told by the customer service that I won’t have to pay anything extra for terminating my subscription.


In November 27, I downgraded my Internet+TV subscription to Internet-only.


On December 1, my connection speed went down to 30mbit/s. I contacted KPN about the problem.


I contacted the customer service and a mechanic visited my house. He did nothing, because my modem was Fritzbox, which I own myself.


I told the mechanic that I own a Experia V8 as well (which is given to me by Telfort) and he can also measure the connection speed and identify the issue, but he didn’t.


When he left, I contacted KPN from the chat again and asked to terminate my subscription.


During the chat I was told that I don’t need to worry about paying an extra and my subscription will end by January 1.


And 2 days ago, KPN customer service called my phone and verified this.


However, today I saw in my bank account history that I was charged for 82 euros. My previous subscription was 48 euros, I downgraded to a package which is 38 euros and in a week I terminated my KPN subscription. Customer service told me that I was not going to be charged for this.


So, I want a refund. You can find my contact information in my profile information.


Following are the previous posts I sent to this forum:




Thank you for your attention


Kind regards


Admin: merged with your existing topic. No need to make multiple topics

This problem is still not resolved. KPN has charged me 82 euros.

Can somebody from customer service contact me? I’m seriously spending a lot of effort to get this issue resolved.


This must be a nightmare.

I contacted you from chat and your colleague (Gioia) told me that I have to pay for the mechanic.


You offered to send the mechanic to my house, because I told that I want to end my subscription.


I didn’t ask for a mechanic. But now I am being told that this is my fault.


I was also charged for the January.


I already returned the modem. Why do you charge me for a service that there is no way for me to use?


Please help me with this. This is taking forever. 





I was told by another employee on chat, that it is not possible to refund the mechanic visit.


I have all the chat conversation screenshots, it is explicitly stated to me that I will not be charged for this.





Earlier I was also told that I only need to pay for the December bill and nothing else.


But I was also charged for the January bill and, today, in chat I was told that I can only get a 11 days refund for it. Why? I already sent you the modem and it was stated multiple times that this was not going to happen.





Let me step in. Would you please fill in your profile and let me know when it's done? 

Hello @Alex_P 


Thank you for your response. I updated my profile information.


My apologies for posting very long texts.


I asked for a refund from my bank for the 82,90 euros and they seemed to have refunded it, but today I received another email from KPN that asks to me make the payment in 3 days. I’ll do it, but I really don’t think it’s fair.


Initially, I asked for help for my connection problems, I had no intention to leave the KPN. It was working perfectly for me for the last 5 years.


My problem started after I decided to downgrade to Internet-only subscription in late November.


After that move, my connection speed went slower all of a sudden. 100mbit → 30mbit 


I was offered a mechanic by the customer service, I accepted (nobody told me that it wasn’t free of charge though).


However, the technician didn’t show up on the scheduled date, and I was then explicitly offered a free mechanic visit which can be seen on the screenshot. I, of course, don’t want to pay for this. It was supposed to be free.

Technician also didn’t really help. He saw that I’m using my own Fritzbox 7590 (not the one that KPN provides) and he told me that he can’t do anything, which is understable. But then, I asked if he can use the Experia box that I already own (which was provided by Telfort) to diagnose the problem, but he told me that he can’t because it is Telfort.


When he left, I asked to terminate my subscription via the chat. Customer service told me that it is possible to end it by January 1st and that I won’t be charged for the January bill. I asked them to proceed.


However, again, I believe someone didn’t press some button that had to be pressed, because in 3 days I haven’t received any email/sms regarding the termination. I had to go to mijnKPN site and initiate the subscription termination by myself. This was on December 7 if I’m not mistaken and then I received another email that says my account will be terminated on January 7.


And, finally, I received the 82,90 bill, which seem to both include the January bill and the mechanic visit.


I asked for a refund from my bank. Now I received an SMS from KPN that asks me to pay for this. I’ll probably do it because this seems to be spiraling out of control. However, I really don’t think it’s fair, I’ll contact KPN formally if I can’t resolve this issue via the online forum or chat.


Kind Regards,

Thank you for your attention.




Alright, this is what I can see in our systems. 

The cancellation has been done on the 4th of January. On the last invoice you have paid until the 11th. These 7 days will be reimbursed on the final invoice around Jan 12th. 

Regarding the engineer. I see that the engineer tried to place an Experiabox instead of your Fritsbox to check the speed. This is something you declined and I see you have even threatened to engineer to sue us. As far as I can see the costs for the engineer are justified. Am I missing something? 

Hello @Alex_P 


Thanks for your response.


I requested for cancellation in December 3 for the first time. As long as I’m not paying for the January bill (after the 4th) I’m ok with that.


Regarding the engineer, that’s extremely misleading.


I can’t actually put into words how disappointed I’m in KPN for having such a conversation. Because  you’re lying to me.


I already owned an Experia V8 and it was MY PROPOSITION that the mechanic can use that box to measure connection speed and it was his decision not to do it.


Your mechanic making claims which are not true.


>  I see you have even threatened to engineer to sue us


Of course that has not happened. That’s a lie. Seriously, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.


I used to be a Telfort customer, not even KPN.


I explained the situation at least 30 times. It seems we cannot resolve it.


KPN offered me a free mechanic service as it can be seen on the records I have but now you’re forcefully charging me and you’re also saying things like that I threatened to sue your company and so on. No, I just want my money.


This is fraud. I will formally take this to KPN.





Onur G.







Dear @Alex_P 


I will definitely take this to the court if we can’t resolve it in this forum., this is not a threat.


I talked to my lawyer, this is my constitutional right.


That would be really great if you can give me a call.


This is seriously fraud.



Dear @Alex_P 


I decided to proceed formally on this matter. It’s up to you to leave an answer or give me a call. This has taken too much of my time and energy.


You are accusing me with something which I haven’t said. I haven’t threatened to sue KPN or whatsoever.


Also your statement is not true, I showed the mechanic Experia Box V8 I had, if he’s saying otherwise, he’s lying. He never proposed to see the box himself, I showed him and he refused to examine my connection speed with it. 


KPN has offered the free mechanic service, this must be already in your customer service portal records unless the legal retention period is over. 


Thank you for your answers. I will contact KPN formally.



I will definitely take this to the court if we can’t resolve it in this forum., this is not a threat.

I talked to my lawyer, this is my constitutional right.

Very confusing. And of course, that is your right. 


I decided to proceed formally on this matter. It’s up to you to leave an answer or give me a call. This has taken too much of my time and energy.

Thank you for your answers. I will contact KPN formally.

I suggest you go ahead and do that, our department will take it from there as a formal matter.