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Good morning.


Just want to get some help please, phone calls to KPN and KPN netwerk have been useless…


On September 15th I contracted KPN internet at home (glasvezel), everything was looking good after a bad experience with another company that made what finally KPN is doing too. I received the router in three days and I just had to wait for two appointments (one with KPN Netwerk and one with KPN to install the router).


KPN Netwerk didn’t allow me to make an appointment UNTIL OCTOBER 3RD. After more than two weeks waiting, nobody from KPN Netwerk showed up and when I called them, they told me a KPN employee (no KPN Netwerk) would come to my apartment and he was going to do both installations in October 9th.


On October 9th the employee was supposed to come between 15:00 and 17:00. He called me at 14:00 to ask me if I was at home, I said yes and he said he was on the way. He never came and he didn’t call back anymore. I received after that an email rescheduling my appointment to October 24th!!!!!


More than a month to get my internet installed and, obviously, I still don’t know if they will show up this time. I called KPN and KPN Netwerk thousands of times and after waiting for more than an hour to be connected they all give a different answer. Some of them say there is a problem with my apartment installation, other ones say that the employee who was going to install it called at 16:30 and nobody was at home (big liar)… Nobody knows (or want) to do their work, and their job, and I, as a customer, am waiting for more than a month to have internet at home. 


I see in MijnKPN that I have 100 euros of extra costs this month, you should know that if those costs are related to the installation or the calls I had to do to KPN and KPN netwerk I won’t pay that bill. You have the worst customer service I’ve ever seen!!!


Still not a single answer, what a customer service!😂

Hi @Patricia Z and welcome to our forum! 

We respond to topics in order of them coming in and it's pretty busy currently. If you want a quick reply, calling or contacting us through X (Twitter) or Facebook are your best options. 🙂

Firstly your invoice: in your MijnKPN you should be able to see the invoice and what the costs are for. Calling us shouldn't be among those costs, because our number (0800-0402) is free. 

Then the matter of your services, I can imagine how frustrating it is to be waiting so long to be connected. Especially since the appointments keep getting moved around. Could you fill out your forumprofiel as completely as possible and let me know here when you’ve done so? 
Then I'll be able to see what the status is and hopefully provide some clarity. 

Hi @Patricia Z and welcome to our forum! 

We respond to topics in order of them coming in and it's pretty busy currently. If you want a quick reply, calling or contacting us through X (Twitter) or Facebook are your best options. 🙂

Firstly your invoice: in your MijnKPN you should be able to see the invoice and what the costs are for. Calling us shouldn't be among those costs, because our number (0800-0402) is free. 

Then the matter of your services, I can imagine how frustrating it is to be waiting so long to be connected. Especially since the appointments keep getting moved around. Could you fill out your forumprofiel as completely as possible and let me know here when you’ve done so? 
Then I'll be able to see what the status is and hopefully provide some clarity. 

Hi Sanne, thank you for your answer, it’s being crazy waiting for help because no one is providing it to us.


I filled out my profile, the most important thing you should know (I think) is that we don’t have the white box and the orange fiber cable installed yet, that’s what I think KPN doesn’t know, maybe knowing that can help.


Thank you again.

Thank you @Patricia Z

I see the status of your fiber connection is currently that your fiber access point needs to be updated to the latest version. This should be done within 10 business days. 

However, you say that there's no access point in your home at all, if I understand your message correctly. 
In my system I see that you called us on the 16th, and that a mechanic has been scheduled for the 24th of October. I also see that you’ve received data on your mobile subscriptions to bridge the gap between now and you getting your services. 

If you have any questions after the visit from the mechanic, let me know here! 

Thank you @Patricia Z

I see the status of your fiber connection is currently that your fiber access point needs to be updated to the latest version. This should be done within 10 business days. 

However, you say that there's no access point in your home at all, if I understand your message correctly. 
In my system I see that you called us on the 16th, and that a mechanic has been scheduled for the 24th of October. I also see that you’ve received data on your mobile subscriptions to bridge the gap between now and you getting your services. 

If you have any questions after the visit from the mechanic, let me know here! 

Hello Sanne,


The mechanic came yesterday finally but couldn’t install the fiber because the apartment was not receiving the proper signal, probably due to what you said about the update to the latest version, so I’m still in the same situation after two months. The mechanic told me KPN will contact me to schedule one more appointment to install the fiber after 6th November (when the fiber access point is supposed to be working), but KPN didn’t contact me yet. I would like to make an appointment as soon as possible, because I know that when I am allowed to do it they won’t give me a date until one month later.


Thank you.

Hi @Patricia Z, I see a mechanic has been scheduled for today between 10 and 12. I hope he/she can solve the problem!