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Dear KPN, 


Please help. I have just received my fiber box and modem and the internet is not working. The black Genexis box shows a red light on alarm.


The modem is plugged in and the internet light is flashing - connecting to it on my phone shows ‘no internet connection’.


What do I do?

That's most unfortunate. Did you try restarting the Experia Box yet? It sounds like a problem with the fiber signal itself. You can contact us directly on 0800-402 for advise. If you provide me with your details in your profile I will check it for you.

Hi @Remco_ 


I've updated it now. Is this helpful?


And yes have restarted both modem and the fiber box (multiple times), but still no luck.




That's helpful @MS18298! It concerns a new broadband connection if I'm not mistaken. It has has functioned since the activation yesterday?

Yes I followed the instructions and tried yesterday - it says to ensure the blue cover of the fiber connection point in the wall is closed, to take off the protective cap in the fibrebox. I did both those things, then connected it to power and the red cable to the modem, but still nothing - just says ‘alarm’. @Remco_ 


And sorry the answer to your question is no it has not functioned since activation.

@MS18298 I think the only option is to schedule a mechanic. Are you able to contact 0800-0402? Than my colleagues will plan an appointment for you! 

Thanks! I've now scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. Hoping it fixes the issue…

Thanks for your help

I'm really curious if the mechanic was able to resolve the issues. Please let me know if you need further assistance!