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  1. requested glass fiber last summer 2022
  2. an install date estimated for October 2022
  3. an actual install date of Dec 21
  4. KPN network notified that the glass fiber is inoperative (turns out because of a break in the fiber to ours and other neighbors)
  5. our Ziggo turned off on Dec 22

and having no or degraded internet for significant periods over the past 3 months...

  1. no internet at all for 2 weeks until Jan 3
  2. temporary solution of a hotspot and antenna for any TV
  3. KPN providing three different hotspots each one eventually failing to provide after internet on operating normally (though ineffectively) of 2.5 weeks
  4. missing significant conversations with work - because of no or degraded internet - for two working adults

had KPN simply verified a functional connection before disconnecting us from the only other source of internet, this wouldn’t even be an issue - our level of patience is grand.

and having had 23 conversations for a total of 14.5 hours with KPN and KPN Network over the past 3 months to diagnose and address the problem only to have our last 3 conversations end with a purported transfer to customer service only to have our phone call DISCONNECTED after more than 30 minutes of describing our problem.

I’m simply wondering how to convey just how angry and upset we are - not for the mistake, not even for missing internet - but for the simple failure of ANYONE at KPN to (1) read the record of our problem and (2) to address my partner and me without passing the responsibility to the other partner: KPN says “that’s really KPN Network’s fault, you should talk to them” and KPN Network suggests “you should get KPN to put in a ticket to get us to look into any issues”

Allow me to put it simply. We’re patient and calm and considerate of the humans involved here. But should this take us into a 4th month, then we’ll be forced to address this with outside help.

We have asked. We have pleaded. We have escalated. What’s next friends? How much do you ask of us while we continue to pay for your premier services?

Hey @jamr, that's quite a tale! I can imagine you want this fixed and sorted. Would you please fill out your forum profile? Reply here when you’ve done so, and I'll dive into our systems to see what the current status is, and what can be done. 

@Erik_ I appreciate the help! Really. I have updated the profile with the details you’d need to dig in. Good luck!!!

My spouse had a long phone call with both KPN and KPN Network on Tuesday. The KPN representative - the second person in line after we got through the front line - promised to return her phone call. This hasn’t yet occurred. And no, we haven’t been fixed which is actually what we’re asking for.

Allow me to add a detail to the above story to impress everyone. Last week KPN noted that KPN Network has a ticket in their system for a 22 March date to dig up the street and fuse the fiber. This sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? Well, it is. I wish I had the pictures to demonstrate KPN’s commitment and dependability.

But here’s the punchline to that story: instead of that fix, we got flowers delivered this week 🥂. Very nice flowers and a kind note, to be sure. And actually, we were quite pleased with that kindness, but let me ask a few rhetorical questions. Were those flowers made of glass? Were they buried in the protective cocoon of sand and brick? Where these flowers lit up by tiny pulses of light hurtling down the line into my waiting arms? Were they capable of streaming the data my job and clients require of me? Do they take the place of my mother’s face on a screen sharing songs with my little children?

“Why are we still here?” the diligent reader will want to know. “why not just go to another provider?”  And that my friends is the million dollar question. Here’s the $5K euro answer: If KPN doesn’t lay the line correctly, then there is no possibility of getting fiber through any other provider either. Having just now talked to T-mobile, for example, their last mile connection is via KPN fiber. No KPN glas fiber, no glas fiber EVER!

Now ain’t that a challenge to faith in humanity? Thus, I gotta ask once more:

KPN, how do you wanna play this!?


We have 2 more days left in March. According to a knowledgeable colleague, 3 months of contract breach, damages, and amelioration easily starts to exceed the cost to simply fix us up properly. But I’m confident that we can still come together and get this solved. 

To be transparent - take a hint here KPN! - here are my next steps:

  2. publication and appropriate placements

Actually, lemme take a wild guess here: you’re waiting for 1 April to spring the joke.

@Erik_ I appreciate the help! Really. I have updated the profile with the details you’d need to dig in. Good luck!!!

Thank you, @jamr.


I'm seeing that, indeed, the fiber in the ground is broken. KPN Netwerk needs to fix this.

This was, as you've been told, planned for March 22. On March 28, however, we received notice from KPN Netwerk that there's an underground obstruction and that they could not fix it. They would have to reschedule. 

The Back Office that's maintaining your ticket on our side has updated yesterday that this rescheduling has not happened yet. They will contact KPN Netwerk on Monday, and get back to you with an update. 


This means that, right now, we can do nothing but wait for that. 

Thank you @Erik_ that is informative! Sadly, the jokes of 1 April did not include a punchline from KPN.

Today, more than 3 months later, I will be asking KPN to provide full reimbursement of a new Ziggo (or any other provider of internet!!!) subscription including fees while KPN gets this sorted. 

The other LOL part is that KPN restricts us from canceling because we “have a 12-month contract.” And because we cannot cancel easily, all other services see us as “unserviceable.” Which means, not only will we need reimbursement, but also KPN to permit another provider to help us out. Seems like KPN would rather have a unilateral contract here.

Reimbursement for actual internet - seems fair, right?

Hey @jamr, how're things now? The back office contacted Netwerk on the 4th. And Netwerk was going to contact the local contractor to make an appointment with you as soon as possible. Has this happenend?


I understand your desire to switch. If that is really what you want, that is something to discuss with our cancellation department. 

Once this problem is resolved, we will, of course, reimburse the costs of your KPN subscription for the entire duration of the service interruption. 

@Erik_ we are excited to see some progress here! I appreciate that. However, we have not heard any updates on the equipment and lines. 

To be clear, we have no desire to SWITCH. We have a desire for stable internet. We want an intermediate solution - hence the idea of a month-to-month ziggo option until such time as the fiber is resolved.

I’ll come back here as soon as we here something!!!

I'm coming to check in on you again, @jamr. Have you gotten an appointment yet? I'm not seeing any further updates on the technical ticket on our side. So, if there's still nothing, I'll give the back office a heads up about that so they can re-check with Netwerk.